Silencer and pepper/CS

Es gibt 19 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 2.088 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (14. März 2010 um 16:28) ist von Thorsten_W.

  • Greetings.

    From what I've managed to translate from german, I've got the impression that you can not use a silencer on SSW's while shooting pepper/CS/CN-ammo.

    Is this because the "powder" gets stuck inside of the silencer, and won't reach out to the bad guy?


  • Zitat

    Original von AndreNo
    .....because the "powder" gets stuck inside of the silencer, and won't reach out to the bad guy?

    Hello Andre,

    exact that`s the right answer! Only you will "smell" the pepper while cleaning your gun :schluchz:

    Best regards

  • That´s right! The Silencer hold the pressure for a moment und lose it slowly. That´s it, because you can´t shooting a full magazine fastly. Only one shoot slowly after the other - the silencer is only for tests a weapon.

  • So if someone breaks into your house/appartment it must really suck to fire a 9mm PAK indoors? :(

    Both for the loud bang and the gas will spread everywhere.

    I always use hearing protection when shooting. Even for .22s.

  • Yes thats right. The gas will immobilize you too in a closed house-fighting

    Even 6mm flob. or .22 is loud enough to demage your ears.
    So, if possible, wear ear-protection ;)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Rhinoz (13. März 2010 um 17:26)

  • Zitat

    Original von AndreNo
    So if someone breaks into your house/appartment it must really suck to fire a 9mm PAK indoors? :(

    Sucks for the noise and in terms of long-term effects on your furniture it is also not that great on the ears but it usually beats the alternative of having nothing to defend yourself with. The spread of the gas can actually be advantageous you if you want to deny a room to the intruder but cleanup is going to be nasty.

    Ihr Glück ist Trug und ihre Freiheit Schein:
    Ich bin ein Preuße, will ein Preuße sein!

  • Using an 9mm P.A.K. for home defence is only necessary if you'ra able to walk out of the gas cloud. Because this cloud will fill the whole room where it was fired, you should use a blank gun only if you're standing in the door case and the bad guy is in the back of the room.

    For home defense, you should use an pepper spray with jet - not fog.
    You won't hit yourself with it and it is quiet.

    But for sure - if you have no other option than the blank gun and this is the only way to save your life, the harm of your hearing is negligible :confused2:

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  • The pepper will get absorbed a bit by all kinds of materials in your house. While you will be able to clean plastic and laquered wood fairly well, your sofa or other textures will give you the nice feeling to your skin each time for weeks, if not months. I don't think you can vaccum clean the pepper away very efficiently. Of course, you can use certain cleaners, but I think that might be very expensive.

    Indeed, for indoor defense, a normal PAK cartridge might give you a good effect. The loud bang is loud for both, but you are prepared for it - and the other one gets most of it, anyway.

  • What about flash cartridges?
    I've read that they are usually no good, but anything helps... Is it possible to use those with a silencer attached?

    I can't use pepper indoors here. I have a lot of terrariums with animals, so it would be total disaster. Would be better with a flash, or maybe my machete...

  • Better than using a blank would then perhaps be to use a pepper gel spray. Do not overestimate blanks for self defense. You cannot harm your adversary with it from a distance.

    Don't overestimate or be too afraid of gun shot noise. Under duress in a real defense situation the body reacts differently than in training situations. When it is possible to fire .357 Magnum cartridges in a room without damage to ones ears (and it is) you can also fire a 9 mm blank or gas cartridge. It is not as loud, trust me. But don't fire any gun in training without ear protection, never!

  • Zitat

    Original von AndreNo
    What about flash cartridges?
    I've read that they are usually no good, but anything helps... Is it possible to use those with a silencer attached?

    As you said they don't help you to effectively stop an attacker.

    I would not recommend a use of flash cartridges in conjunction with a silencer for two reasons:
    1. It would damage your silencer and could damage your blank gun
    2. the light-effect would be similar to normal cartridges I guess.. zero.

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  • Maglite torches in various sizes. 2M for inside the night stand, 6M with attached tactical sling for bigger problems and the sizes in between to your personal liking. In any case - when push comes to shove - you were "just" checking the reason for the noise inside the house when the perpetrator "unfortunately" ran into you and hit his head on your flashlight.

    For additional illumination, any LED light (Fenix, Surefire - you name it) is useful. Those with the serrated front caps have an additional "edge" when it comes to close contact situations. And just in case a judge asks you why you carried more than one light - batteries sometimes go dead, most of the time in the dead of the night, so one should always carry a backup.

    Cheers and stay safe


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Thorsten_W (14. März 2010 um 01:15)

  • Thank you all for a looot of great tips!
    I've been looking into some flashlights lately, just gotta find a big one with a bright and strong light.

    I have some other selfdefence-tools laying around the whole house. A lot of knives, machetes, a baseball bat, sharpened screwdriver... you name it. Real weapons too, but I don't look at them as an option. Would just send me straight to jail. I have licenses for my weapons, by the way.

    And no, I'm not really paranoid. But there has been a lot of break-ins and burglaries lately by eastern european crime gangs. No offence anyone!
    Last year several people were nearly killed during these break-ins. So I wanna be prepared.

  • Zitat

    Original von AndreNo
    I can't use pepper indoors here. I have a lot of terrariums with animals, so it would be total disaster. Would be better with a flash, or maybe my machete...

    Outch! Better forget (all) guns if You´ve got pets in there.
    That´s the reason why I don´t even think about that (for HOME-defense). I´ve got several Love-Birds that would fall down (Heart-Attack) with the first shot.
    Another Question: Are You really threaded or is this only a Thought?
    How about a baseball-bat? Effective, makes no noise and no air-pollution (thinking of Your pets).


    Wer nicht merkt, daß er von Idioten umgeben ist, merkt das aus einem gewissen Grund nicht..... :D

  • Zitat

    Original von AndreNo
    I have some other selfdefence-tools laying around the whole house. A lot of knives, machetes, a baseball bat, sharpened screwdriver... you name it. Real weapons too, but I don't look at them as an option. Would just send me straight to jail. I have licenses for my weapons, by the way.

    Nice 12ga shotgun is a very proven tool for home defense. The police will even clean up the mess afterwards, you might just have to put in new carpet. Additionally - there will be only one side of the story told. "Yes, he was attacking me and I feared for my life." The statement on behalf of the intruder will be made by pathology and there will be no lawyer lamenting about his hard childhood and misunderstood youth.

    If you are really looking into prevention of a burglary/robbery get someone from the police department to recommend you a security firm to plug the entries into your home. Most doors and reachable windows are easily breached but often some modest investments willmake entry harder and may keep some smaller criminals looking for easier targets.

    Additionally, I do not know your living situation. If you are really considering an intrusion by a group of people, you should have mapped a few positions where you can hold them off and ways to retreat (even the house/apartment if possible/necessary). Running away from your property sounds cowardly but it beats getting ripped another one by a group of burglars.

    As you mentioned various instruments: They make great self-defense tools if applied correctly but you always have to get close and personal and chances are that your adversary might carry sharp or blunt instruments as well. If you can use something with a range advantage, you should do so! Problem with baseball bats, machetes etc. is that they are cumbersome in enclosed spaces. So be careful what you pick!

    Ihr Glück ist Trug und ihre Freiheit Schein:
    Ich bin ein Preuße, will ein Preuße sein!

  • That you don't consider your firearms (I presume you mean that with "real weapons") an option is a bit strange. Is it explicitly forbidden in your jurisdiction to use it in defense? If not, it would be the best option, better than any gas or close quarter weapon. You know, by far the most use of a firearm in defense is showing it to the attacker and watching him surrender or flee. You cannot do this with another weapon because you cannot handle escalations without a firearm.

    And when you shoot an attacker while he is threatening your life in your home, it would be a strange law system indeed that wouldn't consider this a justified defense.

  • Zitat

    Original von Tiju

    And when you shoot an attacker while he is threatening your life in your home, it would be a strange law system indeed that wouldn't consider this a justified defense.

    Just in case the gun laws in his country are as strict as in Germany when it comes to gun storage, I can fully understand his question. With todays laws, the last thing I would keep loaded in the night stand is a real gun.


    I would go with Lanam recommendation - try to improve the security of your doors and windows. And just in case you are worried about getting to your car or the trash can - in that case you can go with the blank gun or the flashlight - anything that is easy to carry and conceal.
