Posts by Gabor VASS

    Wenn du dann in den Pausen zwischen den Tritten in deiner Jackentasche nach endlosem Suchen endlich die SSW gefunden hast, musst du auf den günstigen Augenblick warten, sie rausziehen, rufen: "Halt, ich schieße sonst", dann einen Warnschuss abgeben und dann gezielt auf das Knie der Angreifer schießen.

    Ach so, Moment, entsichern musst du aber vorher ...

    This was a totally under-the-niveau comment, sorry.


    The title is "Welche Schreckschusswaffe führt ihr bei euch?", not your unasked opinion about it.

    The moderators should delete such topic-destroying posts.



    - if you carry a gun, you should carry it in an appropriate holster

    - practically all modern revolvers, and a lot of pistols are capable of carry "Feuerbereit".

    So the entire post is 100% stupid, anyway.

    I think you are slightly misunderstand the JPX. First of all it is originally designed for LE, so the user is already experienced with pistols. So, inexperienced users probably better served with a FOG pepperspray or a gasrevolver.

    The advantages of the JPX are:

    1. much greater range than gaspistol (2-4 meters) or sprays (usually 1-3 meters), the JPX is capable of 5-7 meters

    2. not affected by wind, which is a great problem with gas pistols and sprays

    3. can be used INDOORS (home defense), the collateral damage is very limited

    4. 1 headshot hit = 100% stopping power according actual use and human tests

    5. within 1-2 meters the sheer force of the hit is considerable, traumatic effect present

    And yes, there is a Germany-legal 4-shot version, the JPX6, however for EDC it is little bit too large.

    Ein "Standardfall", der möglichst sicher zu einem positiven Ergebnis führt, schafft einen Präzedenzfall mit einer Signalwirkung für die weitere Rechtspraxis bei dem Thema.

    Also es ist völlig außer Frage, dass neu hergestellte SRS-Waffen, die in einem anderen EU-Land zugelassen sind, auch in D legal und erlaubnisfrei sind. Das steht klipp und klar im Gesetz.

    Die Frage ist LEDIGLICH (und so lautet ja auch der Titel dieses Threads): Gilt dies auch für aus ehemals scharfen Waffen umgebaute SRS-Waffen?

    The 69/2019 EU Implementation Directive became part of the EU member states' legal system NOT in 2019, but in the following years, for example in Hungary only on 1st of January 2023.

    And the German gun law says:

    Erlaubnisfreier Erwerb und Besitz

    Schreckschuss-, Reizstoff- und


    die der zugelassenen Bauart nach § 8 des Beschussgesetzes entsprechen und das Zulassungszeichen nach Anlage 1 Abbildung 2 zur Ersten Verordnung zum Waffengesetz vom 24. Mai 1976 (BGBl. I S. 1285) in der zum Zeitpunkt des Inkrafttretens dieses Gesetzes geltenden Fassung oder ein durch Rechtsverordnung nach § 25 Nummer 1 bestimmtes Zeichen tragen oder


    die den Rechtsvorschriften eines anderen Mitgliedstaates entsprechen, die dieser der Europäischen Kommission nach Artikel 4 Absatz 2 der Durchführungsrichtlinie (EU) 2019/69 der Kommission vom 16. Januar 2019 zur Festlegung technischer Spezifikationen für Schreckschuss- und Signalwaffen gemäß der Richtlinie 91/477/EWG des Rates über die Kontrolle des Erwerbs und des Besitzes von Waffen als Maßnahme zur Umsetzung dieser Durchführungsrichtlinie mitgeteilt hat;"

    So, it is NOT enough to be sold in a EU member state after 2019, it HAS TO BE CONFORM with the EU 2019/69!


    The foreign real firearm conversion blank guns were NEVER conform with the new EU regulation therefore can not be legal in Germany.

    Plus: the new 91/477 EU (The Firearms Directive) categorize all such conversion in the same category as they were before the conversion. So a .38 Special category B revolver remain in the category B even, when converted to 9 mm R Knall only.

    Annex I

    "Any firearm in this category that has been converted to firing blanks, irritants, other active substances or pyrotechnic rounds, or into a salute or acoustic weapon."

    Directive - 2021/555 - EN - EUR-Lex


    the legal situation in Hungary is the following:

    1. since 2023.01.01. it is legal to sale (without licence) ONLY the EU 69/2019-conform gas-alarm guns.

    2. the gas-alarm guns legally sold (proofmarked) before that date are still legal to own, sell as used guns, but no new ones can be made.

    3. numerous real gun conversions are made before that date, but NONE of them is EU-conform, so no way can be legal in Germany.

    4. From 2023.01.01. there is NEW additional Hungarian PROOFMARK about the EU-conformity (= according to Annex 2 of the Hugarian gun law). Which is a letter A in a non-complete triangle. You can be sure on legality in Germany only if THIS sign is on the gas-alarm gun imported from Hungary.


    Warum soll ich mit ner Knarre rumlaufen,die im Endeffekt nur eine optische Abschreckung bietet.

    "Echte Messer" werden auch schnell zum Problem.

    Ich habe einen kleinen Dagger aus Ipe-Holz. Waffenrechtlich völlig unbedenklich aber als Stichwaffe nicht zu unterschätzen.

    I really hate this.

    When there is always one or two guys feel they have to agitate against the carry of guns in a topic ABOUT carry of guns.


    Especially when at the same time recommend to carry a KNIFE for selfdefence. OMG.

    No problem.

    Safe transport is allowed for all KKVE devices. Means it should be packed in a bag or box, not ready to use (in case of a crossbow for example: unloaded, uncocked).

    Airguns and other free-to-own guns are also allowed to transport unloaded , safely packed.

    Using these on private property: airguns, paintball markers, bows, crossbows are allowed, IF it is impossible to shoot out from your property (safe backstop), and basically it is fenced, so no one can just walk into the line of fire.

    Gas-alarms guns are loud, and it can frighten the neighbours, so it is better to use them on a shooting range, black powder muzzleloaders are mandatory to use only on licenced shooting range (or hunting field with special hunting permit).

    You can own a lot of guns, BUT I think you are interested on those which do not require licence:


    1. Airguns up to 7,5 J

    2. Paintball markers with MINIMUM 12 mm caliber up to 15 J

    3. Gas- and alarm guns

    (From 2023.01.01. the NON-EU-compliant NEW gas-alarm guns will be Category C-1, subject to registration)

    4. antique weapons (and their replicas)

    a, muzzleloaders

    b, any gun which is do not capable of firing modern united rimfire, centerfire or electronic-ignited ammuniton

    (such as "percussion-hinterlader" or "Lefaucheux-revolvers".)

    5. Deactivated guns

    (From 2021.01.01. the EU-compliant NEW deactivated guns are Category C-2, subject to registration)


    The bows, crossbows, swords, bayonets, knifes, tear gas sprays, batons etc are NOT under the Gun Law, but under the KKVE Government Order (KKVE: Devices Especially Dangerous to Public Safety), generally FREE TO OWN, however their carry, transport, use, sale is a deifferent thing.

    Die Frage ist: Welcher Hersteller hat diese Zulassung nach dieser Richtlinie, und wie erkennt man das?

    A few practical tip about EU-conform gas-alarm guns.

    As more and more EU member state implement the 69/2019 EU Richtlinie, the Turkish, Czech and Italian manufacturers manufacture their guns such way.

    - If you import the non-PTB but EU-conform gas-alarm guns from Czech Republic, there will be a C-1 category designation near the Czech CIP-N proofmark.

    - The Zoraki now sells their guns without the PTB sign, BUT with the "PTB" letter on the box's white vignette. (Identical with the ones on the German market)

    - The Kuzey and Ekol models which are newly manufactured have enormously long letter row before the numbers in their serial number.

    Non-EU-conform looked like this: EVI3-1700763, NOW, the EU-conform serial number: EVZXIZBRDMFSO2YZ-2100654

    - Bruni: the "2021 Letter NUMBER " format serial numbered guns are generally EU-conform

    I hope it helps a little.