waffengeschäft auf der reeperbahn

Es gibt 21 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 7.432 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (30. November 2005 um 15:19) ist von waffe.

  • hi now i looked and i dident find it. yes i know it is at reeperbahn but was heist das butik?? and 1 thing more somebody stole my kimar 9mm knall and i cant find the registration papers for it and i need it for the police here in denmark, and i know that when i hat der waffe gekauft they kept a copy for them self, do you think that they still have it, and if it is posible to get a copy of it???? they needet pasport und so weiter so i think they still have the information, ore do they register it at the police so i can get it from there??

  • No, Signalweapons aren't registered in Germay.
    And I wouldn't be too sure, tht they keept the Information.

    SSWs: Reck Miami 92F vernickelt, Reck Miami 92 und 2X ME 38 Compact 1X vernickelt
    Softairs: CA SLR 105 A1, HFC M92 CO2, ASG R-357, Mossberg M500 und eine billige Umarex Navy Commando
    Sonstiges: Recurvebogen, "Panzer II"-Armbrust und ne Schleuder

  • Hello,
    there are many weapon stores at the Reeperbahn! But, it´s impossible to get an registration sheet... the store give you an small sheet with the price, and maybe an description on it... not more. So, why need the police a proof?

    Cheers, David

    Solid, fantastic, aerodynamic, safe, honest, sometimes evil. Attractive to have, bloody when you don't have her.
    When she talks, she talks about death. My Azra saves non-life imagination. We love you Azra, because you are evil.

  • i dont know. the polizei in denmark are very stupid.. but thanks, i just remember that he keept some info about me.. does eny of u have this slip for byeing a kimar mod. 92 kal 9mm p.a. Knall becourse then i can make it myself on the computer, right my name und so weiter ?? thanks

  • Normaly Gas/Signalguns dont have a Serialnumber.

    SSWs: Reck Miami 92F vernickelt, Reck Miami 92 und 2X ME 38 Compact 1X vernickelt
    Softairs: CA SLR 105 A1, HFC M92 CO2, ASG R-357, Mossberg M500 und eine billige Umarex Navy Commando
    Sonstiges: Recurvebogen, "Panzer II"-Armbrust und ne Schleuder

  • ok do you know if the kimar mod 92 has a serial nr..
    and does eny of u have this slip for byeing a kimar mod. 92 kal 9mm p.a. Knall becourse then i can make it myself on the computer, right my name und so weiter ?? thanks

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von waffe (29. November 2005 um 23:12)

  • Zitat

    Original von XXL
    Normaly Gas/Signalguns dont have a Serialnumber.

    That's not correct. Normally they've got a serialnumber, but some manufacturers don't print a serialnumber on it. The only reason for the serialnumber is in the case of sending it back to factory for repair that they could identify the weapon. My Kimar M75 has a serialnumber. Umarex and other factorys like Röhm, ME are using serialnumbers on their weapons.

    Greetz Marcel

    "Was unterscheidet letztendlich den freien Menschen vom Sklaven? Geld? Macht? Nein! Der freie Mensch hat die Wahl, der Sklave gehorcht!"
    -Wenn du im Sarg liegst, haben sie dich das letzte Mal reingelegt!-

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von germi (29. November 2005 um 23:19)

  • Echt?
    Ohh, wieder was gelernt.
    Hab mal auf meine Waffen geschaut und bin davon ausgegangen, das die mehr der Deko dienen uhnd nicht vortlaufend sind.

    SSWs: Reck Miami 92F vernickelt, Reck Miami 92 und 2X ME 38 Compact 1X vernickelt
    Softairs: CA SLR 105 A1, HFC M92 CO2, ASG R-357, Mossberg M500 und eine billige Umarex Navy Commando
    Sonstiges: Recurvebogen, "Panzer II"-Armbrust und ne Schleuder

  • Zitat

    Original von XXL
    Ohh, wieder was gelernt.
    Hab mal auf meine Waffen geschaut und bin davon ausgegangen, das die mehr der Deko dienen uhnd nicht vortlaufend sind.

    Klar sind die fortlaufend. Hat was mit Garantie etc zu tun. So können die die Waffe zurückverfolgen. Über die Nummer kann man zurückverfolgen wer welches Bauteil gemacht hat, wer was montiert hat, wer QS gemacht hat etc. Bei uns im Betrieb läuft das so, ich denke mal dort wird das nicht anders gemacht.

    Und ich habe von manchen SSWs zwei Exemplare, die haben unterschiedliche Nummern, also müssen die wohl fortlaufend sein. ;)

    Gruß Marcel

    "Was unterscheidet letztendlich den freien Menschen vom Sklaven? Geld? Macht? Nein! Der freie Mensch hat die Wahl, der Sklave gehorcht!"
    -Wenn du im Sarg liegst, haben sie dich das letzte Mal reingelegt!-

  • Hey was ist mit den Dänen los? wollen die sich alle böhse SSW importieren! nana!

    Blank Firing Guns are free to buy, no Registration, passport only required to see that you are 18+ years old! Buying ammo same procedure, fireworks for gun same procedure!
    Carry the gun arround is forbidden! Shooting only on your own Ground and outdoors(at own ground) only at 31.12

    noch ne Anmerkung zum Alladin Center, heisst das so? War auch aml drine und erstaunt über das gute Sortiment! Allerdings fand ich das da nur noch ein 24 std Nachtschalter fehlt! Ey isch hab Problem gib mal Knarre und muni! *lol* Ausserdem sahen die Verkäufer so aus als könnte die einem auch mal einen richtigen Hasen zeigen *lol*

    people from Dansk, are Blank Fire Guns in dansk forbidden? 10 years ago i saw ammo for real guns in super markets and sport stores!?

    Its Time for a good EU Weapon Law, lets fight for!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Zitat

    Original von waffe
    does eny of u have this slip for byeing a kimar mod. 92 kal 9mm p.a. Knall becourse then i can make it myself on the computer, right my name und so weiter ?? thanks

    Sorry, "waffe", I don't think that any owner of a Kimar 92 will tell you details about his gun's serial number, so that you could fake the lost paper with your computer (which would be a crime at least in germany). This board here takes legal questions very seriously (germany has one of the strongest gun laws in the world), and I would recommend that you don't write about possible criminal plans at this board.

    If you have lost your bill and can't remember where you have bought it, that's not our fault. We tried to help you to find names of possible stores, but if you can't remember it, that's the end of the story.

    Ich bin der Keith Richards dieses Forums und immer noch hier...

  • hallo again.. and to the administrator: i dont want to get anothers serial nr. i just wontet to see the slip how it looks, and comeon, if the people that stole the gun from me use it for stupid things im fuck becourse i reportet it stolen but dident spesify witch gun it is, as i said before danich polizei is stupid, and it is ilegal to have a knall gun in dk but not if u use it for traning huntingdogs as i do, but then u need a slip from the polizei that its ok, cs gas pepperspray is also ilegal. please help me here!!!
    and agaien, is somebody sure that it does ore dosent have a serial nr??
    theres nothing ileagel in sending a slip over an email, nothing at all. i would just right the guns name on it and date i hat das waffe gekauft!
    normaly i dont beg, ore sorry i never beg, but i need some help here....

  • Hello "Waffe",

    isn't it forbidden to own SSW in Denmark???
    I've lived 4 1/2 years in your country and that time it was strictly forbidden for me to take my SSW with me from Germany to Denmark. :new16:
    Also multiple shot CO2 wappons are forbidden over there after my mind.

    Or did the danish government change the rules since 1999?

    hilsen fra en gammle jyde......


    :n30: make my day :n30:

  • it is ilegal to have a knall gun in dk but not if u use it for traning huntingdogs as i do, but then u need a slip from the polizei that its ok, cs gas pepperspray is also ilegal.
    but before it was legal to ovn a knall gun in dk, but not if it can shoot with cs-gas,
    and thats still the rule, knall gun yes with a slip from the polizei but not if it can shoot with cs gas
    but since 2001 they did changes in the roules so maby they wore difrent when u wore here!!
    hilsen den gamle århusianer

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von waffe (30. November 2005 um 12:27)