Beiträge von waffe

    ok tak..
    naaa, its better to get the note from where i origanally got it, i got it 27 dec last year. so i of course bye a new one, my wife is from volksdorf (ahrensburg) and we are there 1 a mounth, byt we just got a little boy so we dont come before maby first januar, and the polizei needs the note a.s.a.p.
    so its not like im faking the note, im just making the one i already had, but lost!!!
    my wife says that there are only 1 max 2 waffegeshefte at kiets so... but maby i just have to go there becourse i also cant find there phone number, i looked at the gelbe seiten, but nothing, you maby know the number??
    jeg bor i københavn lige i øjeblikket men kommer fra jylland århus, har boet i københavn i næsten 8 år nu, men måske flytter jeg med kome barn og hund tkl hamburg til sommer..

    it is ilegal to have a knall gun in dk but not if u use it for traning huntingdogs as i do, but then u need a slip from the polizei that its ok, cs gas pepperspray is also ilegal.
    but before it was legal to ovn a knall gun in dk, but not if it can shoot with cs-gas,
    and thats still the rule, knall gun yes with a slip from the polizei but not if it can shoot with cs gas
    but since 2001 they did changes in the roules so maby they wore difrent when u wore here!!
    hilsen den gamle århusianer

    hallo again.. and to the administrator: i dont want to get anothers serial nr. i just wontet to see the slip how it looks, and comeon, if the people that stole the gun from me use it for stupid things im fuck becourse i reportet it stolen but dident spesify witch gun it is, as i said before danich polizei is stupid, and it is ilegal to have a knall gun in dk but not if u use it for traning huntingdogs as i do, but then u need a slip from the polizei that its ok, cs gas pepperspray is also ilegal. please help me here!!!
    and agaien, is somebody sure that it does ore dosent have a serial nr??
    theres nothing ileagel in sending a slip over an email, nothing at all. i would just right the guns name on it and date i hat das waffe gekauft!
    normaly i dont beg, ore sorry i never beg, but i need some help here....

    i dont know. the polizei in denmark are very stupid.. but thanks, i just remember that he keept some info about me.. does eny of u have this slip for byeing a kimar mod. 92 kal 9mm p.a. Knall becourse then i can make it myself on the computer, right my name und so weiter ?? thanks

    hi now i looked and i dident find it. yes i know it is at reeperbahn but was heist das butik?? and 1 thing more somebody stole my kimar 9mm knall and i cant find the registration papers for it and i need it for the police here in denmark, and i know that when i hat der waffe gekauft they kept a copy for them self, do you think that they still have it, and if it is posible to get a copy of it???? they needet pasport und so weiter so i think they still have the information, ore do they register it at the police so i can get it from there??