new to !

Es gibt 17 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.814 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (10. Dezember 2003 um 17:28) ist von Gabor VASS.

  • Hi there Zore,

    nice to have some international visitors here at

    I just wonder how you got to this website and if you have been following it even without the ability of talking this language :lol:

    Hope you'll stay here as a frequent visitor. Might be interesting to hear how this sport develops in the states.



    Euer FX :laola:
    (Mitglied "Cronberger Schützengesellschaft 1398 e.V.")

  • Yes, i have been following the site with out the language, but only the "tests" section up untill now. Ive been translating the language using an online translator, but it does not work too good. Also, i am from Canada, west cost, in a province called British Columbia.

  • Welcome! But be careful: if you'll improve your german and start to understand all the threads in here you'll probably lost lot of your money for buying lots of new pistols, guns and other related stuff! :ngrins: But anyway, if this is your intention, you're quite right in dis ya pleace and you'll learn a lot besides (or so)!
    Kid_S :n30:

  • Welcome to the forum, mate. :)) It´s always nice to have international guests around.

    Those online translators can be useful for single words and simple phrases but for complex sentences or colloquial they`re no good at all (even if that gibberish can be really amusing sometimes).
    Anyway, if there is anything we can help you with, just ask. There shouldn`t be no problem with conversation since many users here understand English quite well.

    PS: Und ab 20 fremdsprachigen Mitgliedern müssen alle hier ihre Testberichte mehrsprachig abliefern. ;D

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Bambusbieger (9. Dezember 2003 um 22:17)

  • Zitat

    Original von zore
    :n30:Hello, my name is Zore im new here, and i can not speak German at all.

    Most Germans have problems with the german language. So you are in good company ;)

    Knall kommt von Peng und heißt Bumm.

  • .... but you are able to understand a lot - maximum respect! :huldige:
    a warm welcome also from me. :respect:

    do you have similar online-boards from canada or the us regarding co2 or airguns or is the interest in those kind of weapons not quite big because of the wide popularity of .22 and bigger bore guns and rifles?
    I am slightly surprised (in a positive way) to meet a canadian resident here!


  • Hi, in Canada or USA, we do not have a forum this dedicated to airguns. Espessially the tests section which helped me alot in getting one of my co2 guns.

    Yes, in Canada hunting with rifles is very popular. Not so much with airguns tho. People with airguns do hunt but not as much as the deer hunting and moose hunting population do.

    Airgun laws in Canada are very strict. No airguns are allowed to be over 500 fps wtihout a licence. The replica handguns (like the ppks and cp99) do not require a permit (yet).

    There are also no silencers allowed on any firearm. However, the law in Canada says that a weapon firing <less than 500 fps is not considered a firearm. So the government doesnt really know what to do.

  • Zitat

    Original von zore
    Airgun laws in Canada are very strict. No airguns are allowed to be over 500 fps wtihout a licence.

    Hi zore, most of us european (sometimes me too) thinks that "America" means USA and Canada in one big place with the same laws. And so we are very surprised when we noticed the strict gun laws in Canada. I think with this forum you are in a right place.
