Need help with ID of Rohm revolver!

Es gibt 30 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 3.315 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (26. Januar 2010 um 08:16) ist von Christian.

  • Hello Andre,

    this is a Roehm RG89 Revolver PTB 451 from 1992. A very reliable Revolver Kal. 9mm Blank.
    I have two of them myself and they are good for many hundreds of shots. The average price for a good condition is at about 45 - 60€

    Best Regards


    :F: und:ptb: nur noch sehr wenige - wegen Jagd und GK

  • The guy selling it wants 94 euros for it. That's cheap for Röhm in Norway. Looked at a brand new RG59N the other day, with a price tag of 133 euros! :confused2:
    So 94 eur for the RG89 isn't to bad, if it is a good revolver. What do you think guys? Should I give it a go?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von AndreNo (8. November 2009 um 22:25)

  • Zitat

    Original von AndreNo
    .That's cheap for Röhm in Norway. Looked at a brand new RG59N the other day, with a price tag of 133 euros! :confused2:

    why? do you have taxes on these guns (?) - or is it der price for the transport?

  • Not any additional tax as I know of. I belive it is the transport that makes it so expensive. I found a Noris Twinny (black) on a norwegian site, and it was about 200 euros. Wich is what I payed for mine (vernickel) that I orderd from Germany. It is expensive as hell to import things...
    And another thing might be that we don't have them for self-defence, but for sports and dog training.
    The funny thing is that blank revolvers/pistols with open barrel (PTB) is not allowed in Norway. So I find it amusing that a lot of serious hunting stores sell them.

  • Go for it. The RG 89 is a very reliable gun, all mechanical parts are built to last for quite a long time. I own a RG 99 N, a similar model with long barrel. Good quality and good price! :new11:

    Ich bitte darum, mir in Zukunft keine Fragen mehr zu stellen (auch nicht per PN!!!), warum ich Neu-Usern hier immer wieder die gleichen Fragen beantworte - das ist allein MEINE Entscheidung! X(
    User, die von mir eine Rechtfertigung für meine Hilfestellungen verlangen, werden AB SOFORT komplett ignoriert!!!!!

  • Great! I just sent a message to the seller, saying that I'm buying it.
    Thank you all for being so helpful and quick to answer! :new11:
    I will get the HW37 in a month or two as well, so the collection is slowly evolving. :)

  • He sent it today. :)
    He said that he had 20 cartridges of CS that I could get for free. The thing is that they are from the same year as the revolver was purchased. Around 97'.
    Question : Are they still usable, or out of date?

    Best regards,

  • Zitat

    Original von AndreNo
    He sent it today. :)
    He said that he had 20 cartridges of CS that I could get for free. The thing is that they are from the same year as the revolver was purchased. Around 97'.
    Question : Are they still usable, or out of date?

    Best regards,

    I think they are out of date.

    I wouldn't use them for self-defense because the CS is evaporating.

    But maybe someone is interested in collecting these old CS Cartridges.


    Röhm RG59N | Zoraki 914 | Röhm RG76 | Weihrauch HW88
    13:35 [145serkan]: ich will eine die sehr gut aussieht so brutal muss die aussehen wisst ihr

  • If the Cartridges are with a Plastic-Cap, than they are ok for use. I´ve tested 25-years old CS-Cartridges, with have had full activity.

  • Zitat

    Original von Vogelspinne
    If the Cartridges are with a Plastic-Cap, than they are ok for use. I´ve tested 25-years old CS-Cartridges, with have had full activity.

    Maybe your Cartridges did work, but maybe some others dont.

    Would you build on an 20 year old fire extinguisher?
    I wouldnt...


    Röhm RG59N | Zoraki 914 | Röhm RG76 | Weihrauch HW88
    13:35 [145serkan]: ich will eine die sehr gut aussieht so brutal muss die aussehen wisst ihr

  • Got it today.
    The CS-catridges went out of date in 1998. :crazy2:
    So... I guess I won't be counting on them for self defence. Allthough they are with yellow plastic caps, like Mr. Tarantula said. But when they are 11 years old I think it's a risk to take.

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by AndreNo
    Does anyone know of some other gips that will fit the RG89?
    What I'm looking for is a combat grip in plastic or some kind of rubber.



    The factory combat plastic grip, or RG99 wooden grip is quite good.

    The Czech Alfa plastic or wood grips require a little bit "dremeling", but provides excellent grip.