www.gazpisztoly.hu - NEW Hungarian portal about gas-alarm guns

Es gibt 32 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 12.235 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (3. Oktober 2008 um 12:59) ist von Gabor VASS.

  • Zitat

    Original von Gabor VASS

    Nice one... :nuts: :n1: :crazy2:

    Unfortunately, I live in Germany... :cry: :confused2: :(

    Ich bitte darum, mir in Zukunft keine Fragen mehr zu stellen (auch nicht per PN!!!), warum ich Neu-Usern hier immer wieder die gleichen Fragen beantworte - das ist allein MEINE Entscheidung! X(
    User, die von mir eine Rechtfertigung für meine Hilfestellungen verlangen, werden AB SOFORT komplett ignoriert!!!!!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Motorbiker (29. September 2008 um 07:45)

  • Der 66x kostete damals neu ca. 1000 Mark (ca. 500€)....

    "Was unterscheidet letztendlich den freien Menschen vom Sklaven? Geld? Macht? Nein! Der freie Mensch hat die Wahl, der Sklave gehorcht!"
    -Wenn du im Sarg liegst, haben sie dich das letzte Mal reingelegt!-

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by germi
    Der 66x kostete damals neu ca. 1000 Mark (ca. 500€)....

    Kommt auf den Zeitraum an. 1980 lag der Verkaufspreis bei "gerade mal" DM 510,- und erst 1994 hatte sich das bis DM 999,- hochgeschraubt, wobei es auch Händler gab, die 1995 die Teile für DM 899,- anboten. Interessant dabei ist die Händlermarge, da 1994 ein normaler Händler "nur" DM 658,- im Einkauf bei Erma bzw. Wischo zahlte und dann einen knappen Tausender verlangte.......

    ----------------------- Jäger der verlorenen Erma's ------------------------
    - Waffen- & Munitionssachverständiger, Spezialgebiet Erma ---
    ------------ bitte hier mithelfen, damit es hier weitergeht ------------

  • It's interesting that FEG/FEGArmy still produces the (outdated) R78 model!
    Or did they just convert some existing models?
    The GR90 is a current model in common calibers (.22, .32, .380 and 9mmPA)?
    If I'm not mistaken, FEGArmy is the producer of the Walther PPK/E?
    Would be quite neat for you Hungarians to have a PPK/E in 9mm PA caliber...
    And what a pity the FEG 48M/Walam model isn't still produced at least as a blank firer in 9mm PA. (the cartridge indicator is a nice feature)

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von colt_user (30. September 2008 um 19:59)

  • "t's interesting that FEG/FEGArmy still produces the (outdated) R78 model!"

    The FEG/FEGArmy/FEGOr companies gone bankrupt.
    There is a building site in the traditional place of the factory now (Soroksari ut. 158).
    Some company is working but they have not machine, licenses to manufacture, just assembling real guns from parts, and make some servicing wfor authorites.

    Practically: FEG no more exist.

    Keseru (http://www.keseru.hu) is the only Hungarian "gun" maker, but they specialized on free to own guns, and this time they work mostly for exporting to Poland and Ukraine. (Some very specialized "guns".)

    The GR90 is a current model in common calibers (.22, .32, .380 and 9mmPA)?"

    No, the FEG R78 was the original real pistol for policewomen in the 1970s-80s in 7,65 mm Brg. The GR90 was its 8 mm Knall wersion. None other caliber was ever made.

    "If I'm not mistaken, FEGArmy is the producer of the Walther PPK/E?
    Would be quite neat for you Hungarians to have a PPK/E in 9mm PA caliber..."

    Yes, they produced dozens of PP/PPK/PPK/S clones in real calibers, and in 9 mm PAK (GRP, GRPK, GRE, GRH, GBR).

    (Custom hardchromed GRPK)

    "And what a pity the FEG 48M/Walam model isn't still produced at least as a blank firer in 9mm PA. (the cartridge indicator is a nice feature)""

    Keseru converted some dozen 48M to 9 mm PAK, I have one. Beautiful pistol.

  • Zitat

    The FEG/FEGArmy/FEGOr companies gone bankrupt.
    There is a building site in the traditional place of the factory now (Soroksari ut. 158).
    Some company is working but they have not machine, licenses to manufacture, just assembling real guns from parts, and make some servicing wfor authorites.
    Practically: FEG no more exist.

    Very interesting. Didn't know that, thanx.


    No, the FEG R78 was the original real pistol for policewomen in the 1970s-80s in 7,65 mm Brg.

    Neat. The Germans had the same thing with the Walther TPH (but only in the weaker .25 caliber) for their female CIDs (as back-up?).
    The R78 model seems to be FEGs only pocket pistol?

    The depicted GRPK almost looks like the Walther PPK/E:
    The R61 model seems to be smaller in size than the GRPK (although in 9mm Makarow caliber)?


    Keseru converted some dozen 48M to 9 mm PAK, I have one. Beautiful pistol.

    Lucky guy. I'm looking with envious eyes at your pics! ;)

    Also interesting that FEG sold his current models with different names in America: e.g. FEG AP66/Hege was named PMK380 in the US.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von colt_user (1. Oktober 2008 um 22:10)

  • Zitat

    Original von colt_user
    Neat. The Germans had the same thing with the Walther TPH (but only in the weaker .25 caliber) ...

    Die TPH gabs auch in .22 lr.


    "Was unterscheidet letztendlich den freien Menschen vom Sklaven? Geld? Macht? Nein! Der freie Mensch hat die Wahl, der Sklave gehorcht!"
    -Wenn du im Sarg liegst, haben sie dich das letzte Mal reingelegt!-

  • Ja, ich weiß. Da die TPH aus der TP entstand, gibt es sie in den Kalibern .22 und 6,35, ebenso wie es die TP in beiden Kalibern gibt. Allerdings gibt es das Modell 9, aus dem die TP entstand, nur im Kaliber 6,35.
    Mit dem "but only in the weaker .25 caliber" bezog ich mich auf die TPHs für die Damen der Kripo, die hatten alle das Kaliber 6,35.
    Und somit waren die ungarischen Polizistinnen (7,65) (theoretisch) besser bewaffnet als die deutschen Damen (6,35) - müder Vergleich, ich weiß...

  • "
    The R78 model seems to be FEGs only pocket pistol?"

    There was the Frommer Liliput before the WW2, 6,35 mm Brg only. Mechanically the same as the 29M military service pistol of that time.

    "The depicted GRPK almost looks like the Walther PPK/E:"

    Because it is the same.

    "The R61 model seems to be smaller in size than the GRPK (although in 9mm Makarow caliber)?"

    Yes, the grip is shorter. That is the PPK-size.

    "Also interesting that FEG sold his current models with different names in America: e.g. FEG AP66/Hege was named PMK380 in the US.[/quote]"

    FEG lost all of its international respect after WW2, made mostly cheap copies of well-known western guns, and sold under many names. You bought 500 pistols, and name them whatever you want.

    Sad story.

  • Zitat

    FEG lost all of its international respect after WW2, made mostly cheap copies of well-known western guns, and sold under many names.

    A well-known example is the T58/Firebird dilemma. (the Hungarians were not to blame)

    The Frommer Baby is the smaller version of the Frommer Stop?
    (as with the Lilliput and 29M)

    Are there any 37M/Pistole 37(u) (which had quite a high production number) converted as blank firers?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von colt_user (2. Oktober 2008 um 20:18)

  • "The Frommer Baby is the smaller version of the Frommer Stop?
    (as with the Lilliput and 29M)"

    Yes, that was.

    "Are there any 37M/Pistole 37(u) (which had quite a high production number) converted as blank firers?"

    Not yet:-((( I would buy one immediately.

    (But there are no large (n100 pcs) stocks to get, there are more of this gun in Germany, than in .hu)