92FS black... FRONT FIRE!

Es gibt 19 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.660 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (15. Januar 2007 um 12:32) ist von Manticore.

  • Hey guys,

    I really suck at german, so im not even going to try.. in fear of insulting you guys ^^.

    Well, I developed some interest in blank fire guns lately.
    But I cant find if front-fire models are legal in Germany. Are they??
    (With frontfire I mean that the muzzleflash comes out of the barrel.. rather from the ejection port)

    I want to order it online... so can someone give me a link .. or a name of a gun which has front fire??? (It has to be a 92f(s) model!!)


    Going to buy a GPDA 9

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Manticore (15. Januar 2007 um 12:33)

  • Zitat

    Original von wollewox
    all new german SSW have frontfire, some old ssw have no Frontfire.
    That frontfire is allowed in Germany

    you get the frontfire SSW by all weapon dealers

  • Ok but how do I tell if it's an old or a new one???

    AND OMG!! Is that Beretta m93R in your avatar also a SSW?!
    Does it have burst / full-auto fire??!

    Going to buy a GPDA 9

  • Hmm,
    i think you have an problem called the weapon law :)) Blank firing Guns that looks like the original are strictly forbidden in your country!

    btw: yes, its an m93 SSW from Reck. Only singleshot, 8mm cartridges.. and very rare. You can only find it at online auction sites!

    Solid, fantastic, aerodynamic, safe, honest, sometimes evil. Attractive to have, bloody when you don't have her.
    When she talks, she talks about death. My Azra saves non-life imagination. We love you Azra, because you are evil.

  • Full-autos are prohibited in Germany.

    And every blank gun you order now is front-firing.

    What wollewox meant to say is that there used to be a time when there were more "starter versions" around that had an opening in the barrel that pointed upwards. But that is some decades ago.


  • Nö, in Italien sind nur SSWs mit Ausschuss oben erlaubt. Aber David hat geschrieben, dass Look-Alikes dort komplett illegal sind. Also welches Land ist wohl gemeint? ;)

    "Was unterscheidet letztendlich den freien Menschen vom Sklaven? Geld? Macht? Nein! Der freie Mensch hat die Wahl, der Sklave gehorcht!"
    -Wenn du im Sarg liegst, haben sie dich das letzte Mal reingelegt!-

  • Holland, wie unser Kollege GBP (Opa Geritt) oft schon berichtet hat, darf man in Holland in Hinsicht auf Waffen mehr - aber im Bereich "look-alike`s" eigentlich gar nichts ;)

    Edit: BB mit den flinken Fingern war schneller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von ALFHA1802 (14. Januar 2007 um 21:24)

  • I know.

    I already own some (replica/disarmed) weaponry.
    Netherlands doesn't forbid OWNERSHIP.. but it forbids STORAGE IN NETHERLANDS.


    I live in Didam, 5km away from the german border.

    I've got family living in Elten, where all my guns are stored.

    That's how I solved that problem ^^

    Im [GLOW=red]not [/GLOW] doing anything illigal...

    Going to buy a GPDA 9

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Manticore (14. Januar 2007 um 21:27)

  • Just making sure ;)

    Well I guess it's going to be a Reck Miami 92fs then... awesome!
    Ill order it from Versandhaus-schneider.de... I got my Lee-Enfield and my ak47 there aswell.. ^^

    Great service and fast delivery.

    Going to buy a GPDA 9

  • Hello!

    Congratulations btw., during your web-research you stumbled over the most professional, best organized, most intelligent and ethically most sensible german speaking free weapons forum (I don't want to boast, but it`s indeed a fact). ;)

    If you are looking for friends, exchange of knowlegde, good advice or just the pleasure of a stable community, this is the right place. Apart from weapons, the OT section can give you any answer about any topic, be it Linux, questions about feeding budgerigars or whining about today`s misery (where we germans are especially good at). ;)

    You seem a sympathetic guy, so I just wanted to post wishing you a warm welcome in this forum and lots of fun with your new ssw! :winke:



    Meine :F:-Sammlung: FWB 601, Baikal IZH53M, ME38 Compact, HW94, P88 Compact, RG100, RG96, TM Automag III Spring :n1:

  • warum wurde ich nicht so begeüßt *lol* *lol*