Dry fire by accident

Es gibt 13 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 2.076 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (23. Februar 2006 um 21:13) ist von kin.

  • Helo there,
    I had dry fired by accidend my diana 52 spring airgun, it only hapened once (it dieseld when it hapend) did i damaged anything on the gun? I have shot it severar shots after that and i havent noticed anything strange compared before the "dry firing"

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von kin (19. Februar 2006 um 13:55)

  • Hi there,
    no, one dry shot don´t damage the Airgun... but if you do it often some innerparts would damaged!

    Greets, David

    Solid, fantastic, aerodynamic, safe, honest, sometimes evil. Attractive to have, bloody when you don't have her.
    When she talks, she talks about death. My Azra saves non-life imagination. We love you Azra, because you are evil.

  • Hi,
    after much dry shots the plastic pistonhead are damaged... this is a cheap part. Better don´t shot without ammo, after too much dry shoots other parts damaged like piston...

    Solid, fantastic, aerodynamic, safe, honest, sometimes evil. Attractive to have, bloody when you don't have her.
    When she talks, she talks about death. My Azra saves non-life imagination. We love you Azra, because you are evil.

  • Ok i see. Actually it pulled the lever back when my cell phone start ringing so after the call i forgot to load the gun....

    Since i started this topic for diana 52 which i bought recently i have a question regarding the "hold" of the gun when shooting.
    The gun is new and have shot less than 500 diabolo pelets. I have trouble to get decent groups at 20 yards, is this due to the fact that the gun is new or i just dont hold it right.
    Some details regading the "hold" of the gun when shooting is :
    1: should i pull the trigger without the thumb pressing on the wooden stock of the gun
    2: Do i have to touch the pistol grip fully, or just press the triger finger and nothing else touching the gun (for the triger hand)
    3: in general which hold is beter for the gun a) the light hold or b) the tight hold

    Thanks for your help


  • I think its much better to touch the gun with the whole hand. In general I would say a gun should be hold with a good hold. Not tight but also not light. Touch it the way you shake hands is a good way I think.

    Walter LG53 :huldige: :huldige: :huldige:
    Mehr sog i net!!!

  • Zitat

    Original von kin
    The gun is new and have shot less than 500 diabolo pelets. I have trouble to get decent groups at 20 yards, is this due to the fact that the gun is new or i just dont hold it right.
    Thanks for your help


    Did you try different sorts of pellets? This could be a reason too, not only the way you hold the gun. ;)

    Greetings, Hartmut

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von ub.1 (19. Februar 2006 um 17:39)

  • I have tried the H&N silver point 5.5mm and diabolo with the sharp nose (i dont remember the name)

    Silver point is the best i have tried but heavy.

    The gun kicks alot and after a shot i loose balance.
    It seems that when i hold it realy tight i get 3 inch groups at 20yards but i was told many times that with a springer i must hold it losely.

  • HI
    That makes nothing those is available also in 5,5mm


    ups that`s better

    I think about your bullits with the sharp nose, that you mean the Predator.

    Where are you from ? What a muzzle energie has your gun

    Bankenkrise ?
    Wäre Monopoly schon lange verboten, so wie es in der DDR schon damals war, gäbe es heute keine Bankenkrise !!!

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Josywells (19. Februar 2006 um 19:21)

  • I am from Greece and the power of the gun is 18 ft/lbs
    I also have used the diabolo flat head but i cant get nice groups at 20 yards.
    Something tells me that i haven't learned to hold the gun proprerly.
    I could use some instructions.

  • Ok problem solved. All i did wrong is that i had my chick tight on the wood stock. When i stoped touching it my groups where all at the same hole at 20 meters!!!
    I love this gun.

    Also can someone tell me what is its efective range on hunting and wich on target

    PS. Are there any side lever Weirauh airguns on market
