Beiträge von kin

    Ok problem solved. All i did wrong is that i had my chick tight on the wood stock. When i stoped touching it my groups where all at the same hole at 20 meters!!!
    I love this gun.

    Also can someone tell me what is its efective range on hunting and wich on target

    PS. Are there any side lever Weirauh airguns on market


    I am from Greece and the power of the gun is 18 ft/lbs
    I also have used the diabolo flat head but i cant get nice groups at 20 yards.
    Something tells me that i haven't learned to hold the gun proprerly.
    I could use some instructions.

    I have tried the H&N silver point 5.5mm and diabolo with the sharp nose (i dont remember the name)

    Silver point is the best i have tried but heavy.

    The gun kicks alot and after a shot i loose balance.
    It seems that when i hold it realy tight i get 3 inch groups at 20yards but i was told many times that with a springer i must hold it losely.

    Ok i see. Actually it pulled the lever back when my cell phone start ringing so after the call i forgot to load the gun....

    Since i started this topic for diana 52 which i bought recently i have a question regarding the "hold" of the gun when shooting.
    The gun is new and have shot less than 500 diabolo pelets. I have trouble to get decent groups at 20 yards, is this due to the fact that the gun is new or i just dont hold it right.
    Some details regading the "hold" of the gun when shooting is :
    1: should i pull the trigger without the thumb pressing on the wooden stock of the gun
    2: Do i have to touch the pistol grip fully, or just press the triger finger and nothing else touching the gun (for the triger hand)
    3: in general which hold is beter for the gun a) the light hold or b) the tight hold

    Thanks for your help


    Helo there,
    I had dry fired by accidend my diana 52 spring airgun, it only hapened once (it dieseld when it hapend) did i damaged anything on the gun? I have shot it severar shots after that and i havent noticed anything strange compared before the "dry firing"

    I bought a VA 3-9-56 rifle scope for my airgun and the manual says that it can be mounted on airgun, semi auto or bolt action rifle for deer hunting at 100+ yards.

    The store i bought it told me that it is for airgun use. Is this good or bad in terms of shock absorbing properties of the scope?
    Anyone have any experience with this model?

    I have an old rifle that i dont use it any more and i disassemble it regrease it and add some oil in the compresion chamber. I heard that adding more than it should in the pump chamber can cause a detonation FAD(fuel air detonation) instead of FAC(fuel air combustion). The rifle uses a leather pump head and absorves most of the oil. When i shoot i see hell a lot more smoke than i used to see when using it long ago. Are there any specific things i should be aware of so there would not be any acidental detonation in the chamber? Is this "detonation" in air rifles realy dangerous?

    Ich habe auf Berichten kürzlich auf Diana 48 gelesen, daß es einige Plastikteile auf der Gewehr, wie dem triger und der Sicherheit. gibt Ist dieses zutreffende?Gibt es alle anderen Plastikteile auf der Gewehr?

    Ich planierte, um sie bald zu kaufen aber, als ich fand, daß es etwas Plastik gibt, den ich. nachprüfte

    Ich benutze einen Übersetzer, den Software syntaktische Störungen so dort sein könnte

    I have read on reviews lately on diana 48 that there are some plastic parts on the gun, like the triger and the safety. Is this true? Are there any other plastic parts on the gun?

    I was planing to buy it soon but when i found that there are some plastic i reconsidered.

    I Have another question and i don't want to make a new topic so i will post it here:
    Why the 4,5mm calibe is prefered instead of 5,5mm? 5,5mm carry more energy so it should go further than 4,5mm wich is more suitable for target practice\shooting.