Weihrauch Texan help

Es gibt 10 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.840 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (19. Oktober 2007 um 14:25) ist von harryumpf.

  • This question is for people with lots of experience with the Weirauch Texan (Brocock Single Action Army).

    As you know, the hammer doesn't directly strike the firing pin, but there is another piece that rises up right when the hammer is falling (I think you guys call it Fallsicherung), and it is that piece that strikes the firing pin. That piece is normally in the low position, and it rises very quickly when it goes to strike the pin, but falls again quickly, kind of like the flickr of a camera lens.

    The problem is, I have found that when squeezing the trigger different ways, the piece will not come up when the hammer is falling, therefore the pin is not struck. To be more specific, this happens when I squeze the trigger more on an upwards direction. When I squeze the trigger on a downward direction, the piece jumps up just fine.

    I know it's unlikely, but does anyone have experience with this specific problem? it's not really a big deal as I already know how to squeeze to get it to fire, but I'd like to have it fire no matter how I squeeze.

    Thank you.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tomahawk674 (14. Oktober 2007 um 05:32)

  • Zitat

    Original von Tomahawk674
    This question is for people with lots of experience with the Weirauch Texan (Brocock Single Action Army).

    As you know, the hammer doesn't directly strike the firing pin, but there is another piece that rises up right when the hammer is falling (I think you guys call it Fallsicherung), and it is that piece that strikes the firing pin. That piece is normally in the low position, and it rises very quickly when it goes to strike the pin, but falls again quickly, kind of like the flickr of a camera lens.

    The problem is, I have found that when squeezing the trigger different ways, the piece will not come up when the hammer is falling, therefore the pin is not struck. To be more specific, this happens when I squeze the trigger more on an upwards direction. When I squeze the trigger on a downward direction, the piece jumps up just fine.

    I know it's unlikely, but does anyone have experience with this specific problem? it's not really a big deal as I already know how to squeeze to get it to fire, but I'd like to have it fire no matter how I squeeze.

    Thank you.

    HI :new11:

    Sorry, unfortunately I sold my Single Action Army some months ago - and I never mentioned such behavior - otherwise I would take a look at the "HARDWARE" :confused2: and find out!

    :W: ir sind konservativ! :new11: http://www.zentralzuender.de

    VDB Fördermitglied, FWR & GRA Mitglied

    Mitglied im VdW und der FESAC

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von harryumpf (14. Oktober 2007 um 14:57)

  • Hello Harry!

    Well anyways, the problem I am describing above isn't really a big issue; in fact, the way that I shoot, I would have never noticed. It is when I let someone else shoot the gun, that the misfires occur.

    I have found out that the motion of the Fallsicherung is directly connected to how fast the trigger "snaps" back when it releases the hammer for firing. Squeezing the trigger slowly from the top (finger close to cylinder) will result in a very slow and gently hammer release, which won't send the Fallsicherung high enought to engage the firing pin.

    I could try and see if I could lmodify the Fallsicherung so it is always up, but then I loose the safety: if the Fallsicherung is always up, when having 6 shots in the gun, the hammer would always be resting on the firing pin, reason why in the original Colt Single Action models, people carried it with only 5 shots loaded, and the empty chamber under the hammer.

    I'm still waiting for someone with experience to comment on this matter...

  • Hi,

    I dont know very much about Single Action systems, but normally in a Double Action revolver, this safety lever holds the upper position to the firing pin as long as you hold the trigger. By releasing the trigger, the lever will go down to safe position again.

    I will keep an eye out for the manual of the german blank fire version, maybe there is a sparepart list with a picture in it... ??? If I find one, I will post it right here.

    Ich bitte darum, mir in Zukunft keine Fragen mehr zu stellen (auch nicht per PN!!!), warum ich Neu-Usern hier immer wieder die gleichen Fragen beantworte - das ist allein MEINE Entscheidung! X(
    User, die von mir eine Rechtfertigung für meine Hilfestellungen verlangen, werden AB SOFORT komplett ignoriert!!!!!

  • http://www.me-sportwaffen.de/instructions_de/324102.pdf

    The part there is 9SA.20.17

    I think that in the Single action revolver, the piece was made to jump up because if it were fixed to trigger movement, it wouldn't have good range of movement, because the trigger moves very little in these revolvers.

    You can see in the manual I posted, how where the trigger (9SA.20.15) connects to the safety device (9SA.20.17), they aren't actually connected with a screw, the safety device just laying on the trigger, the quick snap when the trigger releases the hammer is what kicks the safety piece up.

  • Zitat

    Original von Tomahawk674
    This question is for people with lots of experience with the Weirauch Texan (Brocock Single Action Army).

    As you know, the hammer doesn't directly strike the firing pin, but there is another piece that rises up right when the hammer is falling (I think you guys call it Fallsicherung), and it is that piece that strikes the firing pin. That piece is normally in the low position, and it rises very quickly when it goes to strike the pin, but falls again quickly, kind of like the flickr of a camera lens.

    The problem is, I have found that when squeezing the trigger different ways, the piece will not come up when the hammer is falling, therefore the pin is not struck. To be more specific, this happens when I squeze the trigger more on an upwards direction. When I squeze the trigger on a downward direction, the piece jumps up just fine.

    I know it's unlikely, but does anyone have experience with this specific problem? it's not really a big deal as I already know how to squeeze to get it to fire, but I'd like to have it fire no matter how I squeeze.

    Thank you.

    :huldige:HelloTomahawk, here the translation in German, like you asked me for! :new16:

    :direx: Hallo LEP und Single Action Freunde, User Tomahawk hat eine Frage zum Me-Single Action Army in LEP und möchte wissen, ob ihr hier im Froum das Problem kennt.

    Ich übersetz es mal hier für euch, mit der Bitte hier Rat zu geben:

    Die Frage ist an Leute, die bereits Erfahrung mit dem ME Single Action Army LEP oder ähnlichen SA-Revolvern haben, und zwar:

    The translation starts here:

    " ... Wie Ihr wisst, schlägt der Hammer hier nicht direkt auf den Schlagbolzen, sondern eine Zündstiftsicherung hebt sich während des Abfeuerns vor den Schlagbolzen (ich denke, Ihr nennt das Fallsicherung) - über dieses Teil trifft der Hammer dann den Schlagbolzen.

    Normalerweise, bei unbetätigtem Abzug ist das Teil unterhalb des Bolzens, es hebt sich kurz, wenn der Abzug durchgezogen und der Hammer abgeschlagen wird, danach fällt es wieder nach unten, ähnlich der Linse in einer Kamera.

    Ich habe festgestellt, dass, wenn ich den Abzug unterschiedlich betätige, die Fallsicherung nicht vollständig nach oben kommt. Dadurch kann der Hammer nicht den Schlagbolzen erreichen.

    Um das näher zu erklären: Es passiert häufig, wenn ich den Abzug ziemlich "oben" betätige, betätige ich den Abzug weiter unten, funktioniert eigentlich alles gut.

    Es ist eigentlich nichts Wesentliches, aber ist jemand im Forum, der mit so einem Problem auch Erfahrungen gemacht hat?

    Es ist zwar eigentlich kein grosse Ding, solange ich weiß wie ich abziehen muss, aber ich hätte es halt gerne, dass der Revolver abgefeuert werden kann, egal wie ich abziehe??? ... "

    So, habe das mal übersetzt, habe aber selber keinen Single Action Army, kann mir nur denken, es hängt mit der Hebelwirkung des Abzuges zusammen???

    Gibt es hier Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten ???

    Antwortet auch in Deutsch, ich übersetze es dann gerne!


    :W: ir sind konservativ! :new11: http://www.zentralzuender.de

    VDB Fördermitglied, FWR & GRA Mitglied

    Mitglied im VdW und der FESAC

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von harryumpf (18. Oktober 2007 um 21:41)

  • Hi Tomahawk,

    i have just tested this with my ME SAA. It dosnt matter if i pull the trigger at the bottom or at the top. Just if i pull the trigger exactly to the point of release and not more, the safetyplate will not come up in front of the hammer.

    So i think there is someting wrong with your gun.

    best regards DeeK

  • Weihrauch Western Single Action Blank Fire...

    No problems with the trigger or the "transfer bar".

    "Was unterscheidet letztendlich den freien Menschen vom Sklaven? Geld? Macht? Nein! Der freie Mensch hat die Wahl, der Sklave gehorcht!"
    -Wenn du im Sarg liegst, haben sie dich das letzte Mal reingelegt!-

  • Thank you Harry, for the translation to german.

    Perhaps there may be something wrong. I have contacted a friend to see if he can send me some replacement parts.

    Quick question for Deek: Does the contact plate in your gun behave like what I described? I mean, does the plate jump up to reach the firing pin when shooting or is the plate set up differently in yours?

    You can test by cocking the hammer and while holding it, squeeze the trigger. How does the plate move compared to mine?

  • I fixed it!

    The trigger assembly was broken: the trigger seems like it is only one piece, put it is actually 2 pieces riveted together. The part of the trigger that makes the contact plate rise had become detached and wasn't doing the job properly. With some help I retached the piece and now it works just fine!

  • Zitat

    Original von Tomahawk674
    I fixed it!

    The trigger assembly was broken: the trigger seems like it is only one piece, put it is actually 2 pieces riveted together. The part of the trigger that makes the contact plate rise had become detached and wasn't doing the job properly. With some help I retached the piece and now it works just fine!

    :new11: :n1: Fine!!!