Is this Steyr LP1 Druckluft or Co2

Es gibt 15 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 3.275 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (4. Juli 2007 um 15:02) ist von Ulrich Eichstädt.

  • I got my new toy today.

    It looks great except 1 cilinder which has alot of paint damage, I already test the sights mechanism for up/down and left/right and this seems to work perfectly.

    One thing I noticed which scared me a little bit when I looked through the sight the grain wasn,t completely horizontal, when i looked closer i saw the barrel was a little twisted where it is attached to the gun (as you can see one the drawing in the red square). I already tried the screwdrivers steyr included but no of them fit on screw 5 so i can,t adjust the barrel yet.

    But i first wanted to ask if this is normal and what i should do about it.

  • Hi Hugo,
    in my mind it's not the barrel what is twisted, just the tube around the barrel (the grein ist fixed there)
    I don't have a LP1P, but if i'm reading the drawing right, you just have to release the screw 5 and turn the tube a little.
    but a suitable screwdriver you have to find by yourself....

    neuer Nick wegen (technischer Probleme):


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Herbk (24. Juni 2007 um 09:28)

  • Zitat

    Original von Herbk
    Hi Hugo,
    in my mind it's not the barrel what is twisted, just the tube around the barrel (the grein ist fixed there)
    I don't have a LP1P, but if i'm reading the drawing right, you just have to release the screw 5 and turn the tube a little.
    but a suitable screwdriver you have to find by yourself....

    Hi Herbk

    Yeah your right, that,s what I meant .

    Apperently it was just a 2.5mm hex key i needed, so I already rotated the tube and it,s horizontal again :huldige:

    Can,t wait to test fire this gun monday,

    I,m really starting to like the steyr you can adjust about everything :nuts:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Hupo (24. Juni 2007 um 16:13)

  • The german "Korn" has several translations, one of it is "grain", for example: the very small parts on a film, a 400 ASA film shows more grain than a 50 ASA film, but nothing to do with guns.

    In combination with guns the word "Korn" has to be translated with "front sight", in connection to "rear sight" for Kimme (open rear sight) or Diopter ("rear peep sight"). The exact phrase would be "front sight blade".

    Because these special vocabulary is not mentioned in most of the current dictionaries it sometimes helps to check the manufacturer's website, if it shows the texts also in english.

    At you can easily find all the accessories with pictures, there you will also see the different adapters for CO2 and compressed air (not pressair). But be cautious: some of the english texts there, for example the PDF-flyers, also show a, hm, very austrian way of translation...

    Beware by the way, that the tube barrel-casing has to be fixed with a very small gap (approx. 0,5 mm) to the casing body (Gehäuse) to avoid pressure and/or vibrations. So don't press it tight against the housing.
    It's not mentioned in the manual, but was told me so by Ernst Huber ("mechanico superiore" of Steyr) some years ago.

    Very helpful for translation in both directions, also for french and spanish:

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  • Thanks for the tips Ulrich Eichstädt

    Yes I,ve been using babelfish to translate some words from dutch to english but this doesn,t always work especially with technical words.

    I didn,t know about that 0,5mm gap thanks for telling me.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Hupo (24. Juni 2007 um 19:23)

  • Please note that I am NOT a dealer, and I am not an employee Steyr Mannlicher nor Steyr USA, and this site does not receive any support from them. I have no official "pull" with them, nor can I help you with special orders and the like, nor with Steyr products other than the Scout.

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