HW97K in kaliber 5.5

Es gibt 8 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 2.101 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (25. März 2007 um 14:49) ist von F600.

  • http://www.versandhaus-schneider.de/product_info.p…products_id/606

    You can choose between 4,5mm and 5,5mm.
    But watch out! If you have no EWB, you only can get the weaker version(with
    155 m/s).
    If you would like to use it in France, you can "tune" it with an "Exportfeder", so you will have the full 230 m/s, i guess.

    But as far as i know, you need an left-handed version, right?

    With best regards

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Mor_0711 (24. März 2007 um 19:03)

  • No, you can order it right a way if it is legal in your country. Only if there are legal restrictions in your country you have got to have an authorization.

    Havent´t looked it up so far, this is your job ;)


  • In France, without authorization, the power is limited to 10 joules (290 m/s for 4.5 and 230 m/s for 5.5).

    if I order the version full power, you think that it will ask me an authorization?

  • Zitat

    Original von zac
    In France, without authorization, the power is limited to 10 joules (290 m/s for 4.5 and 230 m/s for 5.5).

    if I order the version full power, you think that it will ask me an authorization?

    In France the Power is limited to 9,81 Joule - this is not 290 an 230 m/s but about 200 and 140 m/s.
    The values on the Schneider page are for the 21 Joule version.
    This version is not legal in your country without license.
    Any speculations about buying it without permission are undesired in this forum.

  • Zitat

    In France the Power is limited to 9,81 Joule - this is not 290 an 230 m/s but about 200 and 140 m/s.

    sorry, it's true...

    but I little to buy the version 7.5 joule and spring version export.

  • C' est bien possibile d'acheter le 7.5 joule version mais changer ca à 21J n'est pas permis en France sauf tu est dedans l'association de tir.
    Ca devrais plus facile si tu achèterais une HW97 chez un merchant locale et tu va avoir moins difficultés.
    Autrefois, si c'est trop chèr chez toi, demande de ton marchant locale si'il peut faire quelques changes pour obtenir 10J

    Oh, et pardonne mon Francais, je peux parler la langue mais écrire, c'est qc different.

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