Russische nicht-tödliche Selbstverteidigungspistolen mit Gummigeschossen

Es gibt 102 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 58.806 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (17. Mai 2013 um 18:47) ist von Stiffler's Mom.

  • Notwehr ist diejenige Verteidigung, die erforderlich ist, einen gegenwärtigen, rechtswidrigen Angriff von sich oder einem anderen abzuwenden.

    The German self-defence legislation is actionally pretty good, as it does not require adequacy. You can do whatever it takes to stop an attacker, as long as his attack is enduring and unlawful. This covers attacks on all your legally protected goods, such as health, property and even honor. So, strictly according to the law, if someone would keep insulting you, thus attacking your honor, it would be within your rights to attack that person.

    What a judge would say in such extreme cases is obviously a different story.

  • "

    And if you use a real gun, and kill the attacker, the following legal
    procedure will be a nightmare and financial bankrupcy - even of you are
    found not-guilty at the end.

    Thats not quite right."

    Sorry, but is RIGHT.

    There is the justified selfdefense case. Than the AFTERMATH!

    You, and only you will pay your lawyer, and we all know, a good criminal lawyer's tariffs are incredibly high. A criminal investigation and a trial could take months, or several years. All your guns will be confiscated and your licence will be suspended.

    Even if you will win at the end, you'll not feel yourself a lucky man, but a broken one. This is how the system works.


    In Hungary from 01.07.2013 we will have a totally new, liberalized version of the self-defence section in the new Penal Code.

    It states: all attacks in your house in night-time OR armed (even with non-firearm), OR more than 3 attacker are AUTOMATICALLY considered as AGAINST human life, and you are allowed to act accordingly: KILL the attacker(s).

    The problem: the Hungarian police and other authorities are notoriusly anti-selfdefence, how will they implement such a permissive law in the practicality?

    Staying non-lethal probably the best solution, I don't want to be the first to test the new law.

  • Gabor hat recht, aber es ist nicht nur in ungarn so, sondern in ganz europa und leider auch heutzutage in den meisten staaten der USA.
    von einem bürger wird im namen der gesetze seines landes verlangt, für den staat notfalls sein leben auf der strasse zu lassen.

    vollkommener abschwur gegenüber gewalt(auch eine form von extremismus, nur in dem fall STAATLICHER extremismus)
    Ich persönlich nehme das nicht ganz so ernst. Frei nach folgendem Motto(welches keine kirche und kein staat predigen würde):


    deshalb entscheide ich auch selbst in einem selbstverteidigungsfall welches mittel ich als angemessen erachte.
