OK price for HW88?

Es gibt 10 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 2.879 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (2. März 2010 um 20:12) ist von germi.

  • Hi again.
    Once again I've found a revolver with PTB in Norway (where this is illegal!) , sold from a well known outdoor- and hunting store! *lol*


    1750 NOK = 217,24 EUR

    I guess this is a little bit overpriced but when I order from Schneider I have to pay 74 Euros in import fees, so it's actually cheaper for me to buy it here.

    And... I know that there is a version of the HW 37 with a blocked barrel. Is there any blocked versions of the HW 88?


  • Hmm, a little overprize, but that´s pretty normal anyway for our scandinavian countries.
    I would rather buy an HW37 from ostheimer in gemany for only 105€, but of course that one has PTB.

    But are you really sure that PTB guns are illegal in norway? I dont think it has to do just with the PTB, rather that the gaspressure comes out the barrel. I believe that our only allowed to have top-firing blank guns.

    Here in Sweden it doesnt matter if its top-firing or not. You have to have a permitt for all blank guns here.
    Top-firing guns are not that common here, most guns are from germany with open barrel.
    You can find some top-firing guns here like Bruni Glock 17 models in 8mm.

    You can (as i understand) buy blank guns for free if they are top-firing in Norway, but if they are guns with open barrels you have to have permitt.

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Daniel_79 (8. März 2010 um 23:19)

  • It's not the PTB that is the problem.
    What's illegal is that the blank weapon has a muzzle flash. All blank guns sold or imported to Norway must be top-firing.

    Yeah, Daniel, I could order a HW37 for about 100 euros from Germany, but I have to pay a lot of import tax and shipping.

    However. I don't really like the finish of the HW88. Looks a bit cheap, although I know it is a kickass revolver.
    And I would want to attach one of those things at the end of the barrel, so you don't see the barrel block so easy, and those rings don't match the finish of the gun at all.

    Would be great to carry such a lightweight gun instead of my old RG89.

  • Looks to me as a polished one.

    I know the website you have found that one on, isnt that a trademark photo....?

  • Gaspisztoly?
    May be... If Gabor sees this I hope he'll let me know if I should remove the link.

    Btw, I did a little bit of reading the last hours. I think that the HW37 has three different finishes. Black, "steel" and chrome.
    While the HW88 is just black or "steel".
    I could be wrong, but that's just what I could find. Could be that the "steel" version just needs a little bit of polishing to make it look that nice. The one on the picture with red woodgrips... :n1: Love it. Looks good with those rubber grips with finger grooves too.

    I think I will sell my RG89 a bit (or a lot) overpriced in Norway, and get the HW88 instead. :crazy2:

    Edit : the gaspisztoly-link says "hw37"... Doh!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von AndreNo (2. März 2010 um 18:12)

  • Usually there are the bated ones (black) and those "silver" things, which in fact are only nickled. People tend to call that a chrome finish but that's simply wrong.

    Think I heard about a real chrome-version of ther HW37 but I can tell by certain that these are not sold anymore.

    "Why carry a gun? Cause a whole cop would be too heavy."

  • Zitat

    Original von AndreNo
    I have yet another question for you, guys...
    As mentioned I don't really like the "tame" finish of the HW88. Is there a one in chrome too, or is it just the different lightning on these pics that messes with my mind?



    The HW 37 is made of zinc alloy (frame) with steel cylinder, the HW 88 Super Airweight is made of aluminium (frame and cylinder)...different materials, different weights (the HW 37 520g, HW 88 SAW: 290g loaded), different finishes. Former there was a third version, the HW 88 Airweight (without Super), the frame was made of aluminium and the cylinder was made of steel, weight approx. 350g.

    Other version of the HW 37 is the Wadie P1. The difference between HW 37 and the P1 is that the P1 fires 9mm PAK instead of 9mm R/.380 K.

    "Was unterscheidet letztendlich den freien Menschen vom Sklaven? Geld? Macht? Nein! Der freie Mensch hat die Wahl, der Sklave gehorcht!"
    -Wenn du im Sarg liegst, haben sie dich das letzte Mal reingelegt!-

  • "Edit : the gaspisztoly-link says "hw37"... Doh! "

    Yes....it is an HW37 on the picture. Look at the gun and you´ll see.

    Actuallt i preferr the HW37, think it got more feel to it. And by some reason, i just like black weapons. I mean...i have nothing against nickel or steel finish on the guns, they are nice, but every time i think of buying a nickel or steel i only end up with the black ones.

  • The HW 88 SAW is black too, there are two versions. One is natural silver and the other is anodized black.


    "Was unterscheidet letztendlich den freien Menschen vom Sklaven? Geld? Macht? Nein! Der freie Mensch hat die Wahl, der Sklave gehorcht!"
    -Wenn du im Sarg liegst, haben sie dich das letzte Mal reingelegt!-