My new sweetie

Es gibt 46 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 8.625 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (5. Februar 2007 um 21:47) ist von Manticore.

  • There is an Browning GPDA 9 being sold on Blocket salesite, its the "old" version with PTB 592.
    What i wonder is, do the old versions magazine fit to the improved version?
    Is the parts interchangable between the guns?
    And if i remeber the hammer whas totally made of steel?

    /// Daniel

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Daniel_79 (31. Januar 2007 um 22:45)

  • Hammer is fully made of steel. I would think the magazines are interchargable. But some things are not the same, like the recoil spring.

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    -Wenn du im Sarg liegst, haben sie dich das letzte Mal reingelegt!-

  • Zitat

    Originally posted by Manticore
    Hey why'd you get the blue'd version... and not the nickel one??
    Just because you liked it better or was it because the nickelversion is ugly?

    Well, i asked just the reversed question in the beginning too, why people seems to rather take the nickel versions.
    First of all, i like black weapons, and i like nickel colored weapons too.
    Second, i was close to take the nickel version but the barrel was black and the rest of the gun nickel (except some parts). So i found it better looking and more fitting with a black pistol, for my own taste.

    /// Daniel