RG96 RWS Munition jeder Schuss ein Klemmer

Es gibt 248 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 33.776 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (19. Januar 2007 um 13:43) ist von Bohle.

  • also bei mir war'S genau umgekehrt...mit der neuen feder hatte ich mehr probleme als mit der alten....

    liegt wohl daran, daß meine aus 2004 stammt....

    "Wenn man sich in die Hose pisst, hält das nicht lange warm."

  • Hallo,

    also meine hat zwar keine weiße Beschriftung am Schlitten - habe mir aber trotzdem mal vorsichtshalber eine neue Feder schicken lassen... Ich hab meine 96er im November bei Frankonia gekauft. SerNr 0705523 Beschuss AG.

    Überraschung: meine eingebaute Feder misst 11,7 cm, die neue nur mickrige 9,3 cm.

    Habe zwar noch keine Probeschüsse abgegeben - bin jetzt aber beruhigter in Hinsicht Silverster. Wenn sie nicht funktioniert baue ich einfach die kurze Feder ein.

    Toller Service (und schnell - 2 Tage) von Röhm!!


  • Ich habe gestern auch die neue Feder von Röhm bekommen. Ausprobiert habe sie noch nicht, an Silvester habe ich sie aber dabei und probiere sie an meiner RG 96 von 2005 aus.

    Angesichts der hektischen Zeit direkt vor Weihnachten / Silvester hat Röhm nach meiner Meinung im positiven Sinne den Vogel abgeschossen - eine absolute Servicespitzenleistung!

  • Wie sieht es jetzt konkret eigentlich aus? Kann man die RG 96 nun praktisch "risikofrei" kaufen oder ist eher zur CP1 anzuraten?

    Ich wollte gerade eben noch ne bestellung für Silvester fertig machen, wird zwar tierisch knapp aber so bleibts wenigstens spannend :D

    Theoretisch könnte ich würfeln, aber die Magazinprobleme der CP1 gegenüber den Klemmern der RG 96......hmm..

    Die neue Feder habe ich schon (theoretisch) , eigentlich eher für nen kumpel bestellt aber bei ihm läuft die RG 96 seit wir die Feder selber gekürzt und angelegt haben. Daher kann ich seine Feder bekommen.

  • Mit der neuen Feder die Röhm kostenfrei verschickt hat kannst Du dir ohne Bedenken die RG96 bestellen. Zur Not mit der neuen Feder noch ein paar mal trocken repetieren und es sollte keine Probleme geben. Wie schon geschrieben, bei meiner Rg96 mit neuer Feder gibt es keine Beanstandungen.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Massi (24. Dezember 2006 um 21:54)

  • and take a look at this, this note followed with the gun, i have never got that kind of note before with other guns.
    * Did Röhm know about this problem at the very start that this was a problem?But after complains on the market decided to change the returnspring?
    * Yes, its true what the note says, ammo with low pressure can´t handle the gun
    * Only with RWS ammunition? Is it any difference? Is then, the RWS ammo more powerful than other for example Umarex?
    As far as i have been learned....no. They both use Nitro powder and are/looks exactly the same.
    * And, if Röhm change anything on the weapons, doesn´t require a new PTB mark?

  • This note is a standard note delivered with every RÖHM gun! ;)
    If it was not there it has just gone missing.


    P.S. - Röhm has been delivering their blank guns with this note for several years already, It has nothing to do with the spring itself.

  • Yes, that might be true, althou i have never got a new pistol from Röhm before, only revolver, the new pistol i got before was from Umarex, but that´s another gun maker.
    But i come to think about it when i saw that note, and the problems that have been up for the RG96

  • yes, that's a standard paper. We have to believe, that RWS didn't change the amount of powder in the cartridges, and that it was only a failure caused by Röhm, using a wrong spring.

    I think, we will learn more about after the 31. of december ;)

    Nice, that they delivered the spring to sweden in (nearly) the same speed like in germany. Very cool.



    FWR-Mitglied Nr.: 30917

  • Yes, that is very good service, and i´m gonna wright to Röhm and give them credit for the good service!

  • As for the other points:

    I do not think that RÖHM realized this problem until it received a series of complaints. It would just not be "RÖHM-style" to try and hide such a malfunction intentionally.

    RÖHM as well as WEIHRAUCH recommend the usage of RWS ammunition only. Rumor has it that Umarex is buying ammunition from several manufacturers, resulting in the risk of slightly different charges in the cartridges. Therefore RWS seems to be the more reliable provider with a constant performance in their ammo.

    I do not believe that a new PTB is necessary as the spring is irrelevant to the safety of the gun.


  • Finally - some NICE close-ups, for a change! ;)


    P.S. - There's one "optical" thing that RÖHM could do to further increase the look of their guns and that is to provide for a "rounded" muzzle instead of these clear-cut ones ... like with the good old ERMAs! :)

  • and one last question, is the Röhm RG96 a better gun than the Browning GPDA 9?
    It says in Röhm´s homepage that functional parts are made of steel, does that include ALL moving parts as ( except the slide ) the hammer for example?
    I was near to buy the GPDA 9 first but did see that RG96 gets alot of good credit.
    High quality means alot to me, and i got the feeling that Röhm make good guns ( and has proffesional service ).
    My gundealer here in Uppsala said that Röhm owns RWS ( Dynamit Nobel ) or is it vice versa?

  • You wanna have my very personal opinion?

    NEVER trade a RÖHM for any Umarex gun! :)

    RÖHM is just a different, a higher level, that's my opinion. I got a good dozen of RÖHM guns but only 3 Umarex and that has reasons! However, there may be people who see this differently. LOL

    The RG96 has the internal functional parts made of steel plus the barrel.
    The GPDA used to have the hammer made of steel but the new version has a zinc alloy one.

    If you offered me two GPDAs or one RG96 I would ALWAYS go for the RÖHM gun! :)


  • it doesn't include parts like the slide. Just the inner parts of the trigger are of steel, and the outer or internal barrel. The hammer isn't steel.

    Sorry, but my (technical) english is sooo bad, that i coudn't give you more advice / infos :(

    FWR-Mitglied Nr.: 30917

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von PainKNero (27. Dezember 2006 um 20:43)

  • Isn´t it the hammer made of steel on the RG 96? I thought so, i have had the guns ( in order) :

    1. Reck PK 800 ( Umarex? My first blank gun, still has it, made in 1988 and has real good quality, i´ll put up some pictures on it later.)
    2. Walther P88 ( Umarex)
    3. Walther PP ( Umarex )
    4. Geco P225
    5. Röhm RG99
    and last my new Röhm RG96