El Gamo Mod. 45-s-64, kennt das jemand?

Es gibt 2 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.333 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (22. April 2013 um 00:47) ist von sharky60.

  • Hallo Experten,

    Habe oben genanntes Knicklaufgewehr bekommen, über das ich fast keine Infos im Netz finden kann.Nur soviel: Baujahr 1964- 70, Vorgängermodell 45-s-61, Nachfolgemodell 300. Kann mir jemand nähere Angaben zu diesem Gewehr machen ?

    MfG sharky

    Der Gott,der Eisen wachsen lies, der wollte keine Knechte, drum gab er Säbel, Schwert und Spieß dem Mann in seine Rechte. E.M. Arndt
    Field Target im SC ernsdorf

  • Habe das gute Stück mal auseinandergenommen. Seltsames System. Nicht die Kompressionshülse arretiert im Abzug, sondern die innere vordere Federführung. Der Abzug ist einstellbar am Vorzugsweg und Druckpunkt. Hier mal ein paar Bilder.

  • Habe jetzt eine Produktionsliste von Gamo gefunden, da gibt es die Flinte garnicht. http://www.sermasports.com/PRODUCTOS/cara…binas-gamo.html

    Ist doch schon eigenartig - oder ? Und folgenden Beitrag bei "airgun BBS.com"

    I have a deep affection for Gamo air rifles so this post was very interesting...good stuff!

    I do not know exactly why, but if you ask a Gamo collector (I´m not a collector I only had 10 in total) what was best Gamo springer... he will has no doubt: 45-s-61.

    But... there is a better Gamo, rarest Gamo I only knew a few weeks ago... The lost son of the 45-s-61... Even most important Spanish collectors can´t find one... it is... THE GAMO 45-S-64


    It´s strange, they were winning air rifles in competition as I will show here:


    And they should were well know at these years. But nowadays I have not seen any for sale, and even collectors do not know much about it. What can I say? Well, This air rifle was made while 45-s-61 (target air rifle) was in production. Strangely Gamo made two target/competition air rifles at same time why? I think the answer is that 45-s-64 was an improved model faced to exporting. At first sight we can see the stock was no new, was from the future by those years Gamo air rifles. Next similar stock only would came more than 20 years late at Gamo Mágnum series. Gamo´s people thought, maybe, that it would be a great idea to make a very good and cheap air rifle for cultivate the loyalty of foreigner markets, which it was not necessary in Spain. High costs of producing 45-s-64 and low price surely made the factory took the decision of using this model to international growth of the trade mark.

    As seen, it was not a bad idea after all...


    Der Gott,der Eisen wachsen lies, der wollte keine Knechte, drum gab er Säbel, Schwert und Spieß dem Mann in seine Rechte. E.M. Arndt
    Field Target im SC ernsdorf

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von sharky60 (22. April 2013 um 00:55)