Identification Bügelspanner

Es gibt 2 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 3.189 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag (14. Juli 2006 um 23:25) ist von Tom_.

  • Sorry, I have never seen somethink like this. It seems tobe a childrens-Vision of a Bügelspanner. Is it made of massive steel or of tin? Most childrens-rifles I have seen were made of tin. Any markings on it?
    I think its a very early one, because of the trigger-Guard.
    Greating Gerald


  • I think its an old gun (1930-1940 or older). It´s looking like tin. You should go to a gunshop. Maybe the shopkeeper can tell you more about this strange gun. Maybe its made in Germany by "Hacker".

    Entweder man lebt, oder man ist konsequent! : *lol*