Beiträge von Sverige

    The politicians tells us that the people will be better of without weapons, Like they care about what happens to the people and that they want to protect them from themself,
    But the only thing the goverment care to protect is the goverment itself.
    The only real reason for a state to unarm their people is for the sake that they know that their leadership can cause anger and the people may turn against their leaders, And in that case they want to be sure that the policeforce surely can bring the people to obeyance once again- With guns among the citizens things might not turn out the way the power wants.

    Therefore modern politicians hate guns.

    Call me cynical but this is how i think the world works today.

    (I wrote in english because i dont handle german writing very well yet and i wanted to be sure to not be missunderstod,
    aber ich verstehen deutsch ganz gut so sie kann in deutsch antworten).

    Verdammte grüne, Auch in schweden gibt es ein grüne partei das behaupten die umwelt zu schützen, Aber in realität werde sie nur vieler iraker importiern unt die steuer heben,

    Aber wenn die deutsche grüne partei ssw verboten wollen müssen sie ein abstimmung unterziehen?

    Falls ssw verboten wird kan man sie doch von Polen importieren :thumbsup: