Beiträge von TotoHU

    Guys as far as I got the hang of it you are pretty much moralizing about this human test whether it was allowed or legal or humanly acceptable to shoot to an other person, or whatever.
    It is for sure that those self defense gas-alarm guns are designed to not cause permanent injury among normal circumstances meaning no extreme close usage, factory made cartridges etc.
    Nevertheless I personally took the risk with full responsibility if any unforeseen thing would have happened.But it was not - fortunately. :D

    From the other hand I guess this test was as close to a real situation as it is possible among imitated conditions. This could work much worse or much better in real life. But I think we have bloody done it. :D

    mit freundlichen Grüssen,

    the victim *lol*

    Hi All,

    First of all sorry for English but I don't speak German. :((
    I am the 'crazy guy' who was shot 4 times with gas cartridges. :)

    The original intention was curiosity - together with many gun fan buddies in Hungary we talk a lot about gas guns, smelled some gas clouds after fired but I wanted to know exactly how it works from the other side of gun. :crazy2:
    And as you surely know that in Hungary we love the spicy stuffs like hot paprika what contains capsaicin as an active substance. *lol*

    From my perspective there was an around 5 minutes period what was really horrible - I felt my face burning, was cough horribly and was not able to open my eyes, even though guys from the 'staff' immediately gave first aid with pouring camomille tea and water onto my face, and some Visin eyedrops.
    Considering that in a real situation on the streets there are no helpers, no first aid (some farewell kicks into his butt, maximum :))) ) and the surprised attacker does not expect the armed self defence - we can state that gas guns are pretty reliable everyday defence situations. :)))

    Some other photos to prove the efficiency: