Beiträge von fahnenschmied

    Well, yes, but for 20 dollars I would have bought it even if the barrel was plugged to the muzzle. These little rifles are unknown in my land, and this little rifle seemed much more elegant than my Haenel 310.
    I believe the part would be part of Nr 18. "manschettenschraube, geloetet", except mine is no longer soldered. The large part where the piston seal lies is still on the piston, and the tube is stuck in the barrel. I don't think I exceeded the melting point of lead at any point. The darkend surface of the little tube, visible through where the balls enter the barrel, showed that it has been stuck a long time in that position. The crap in the bore showed that somebody else had made an effort to unstick it in the past, if it had been very loose I think it would have moved.
    Looking down the works, I can see the end of the block the barrel is mounted in - it looks a little silvery...but I cannot tell if it is tinned with solder, or if it is simply just not blued.
    I don't plan on heating it enough to change the hardness, even if I did, the rifle is useless at this point. I was hoping for a little differential in expansion to help me break the tube loose.
    As for heating a rod to slide down the bore, this won't work well for melting any lead that may have fused. The rod looses too much heat, cooling off so much it won't hardly char wood.

    The acid idea is good - tell me what you use - I may give it a try.

    I think I'll have at it a little longer with the rod Down here, if I just lay it in the sun a little. it'll get to about 45 degrees in no time, while the insides are still 25. This may help....every little bit helps.

    Thanks for you reply!

    Hello all, please excuse my English; as my German would only be good for comedy in this case.
    I've recently got a Sportmodell 49a, with the Q1 mark, very cheap. It was missing the bolt handle and was somewhat abused. I made a temporary bolt handle and it seemed that the trigger worked well enough and the piston flew forward, but it didn't shoot.
    I then discovered the barrel was blocked, I wormed all I could out of it, then had to resort to heating up the barrel enough to char the wood rod that was still inside and scrape that out. But I could only get so far...
    On taking the gun apart, I discover that there is no on the end of the Manschetteschraube. The little tube is still in the bore.

    I cannot yet get this tube out. I have saturated it with penetrating oil two days ago, and yesterday I have beaten at it with a steel rod. The rod acts like there is a breechplug in there, It feels totally solid, like its threaded in there. I have hammered it as hard as I dare, to the point where I bent the rod.

    I have not yet tried with a very hard steel rod. shortened to where only a little protrudes from the muzzle.

    Does anyone have any advice on getting this tube unstuck? My next try will be to heat the barrel, and then pour some cold water down it and have another go with the rod. Perhaps there is some lead sheared off a ball around it, and I need to get it hot enough to melt the lead?

    Any advice from someone who is experienced in removing a firmy stuck tube will be greatly appreciated!

    Lieder muss ich Sie auf English antworten, als ich habe gar keine Ahnung, wie man so ein dinge auf Deutsch erzaehlen sollte...

    With my experience, there are two things that go wrong with the pistol. First, remove the the "slide stop", the silver colored thing on the left hand side of the frame. This is the part that holds the slide open when you have the magazine in. Remove it and try your pistol. If it works fine without it, it has become bent. You may have to bend it, or file part of it till it works again.

    This is the easy fix!! If that doesn't work....

    What is much harder to find is this - the "piston" on the frame that slides into the "cylinder" of the slide, may get distorted. Mine bulged up. not much, but enough to keep it from working. I took a very fine file and removed the slight bulge.

    I've had to fix the piston twice like that. They should have made that part from brass.

    Now my valve doesn't work good either, a full CO2 acts like it has too much pressure...

    Hope you can understand something of my English...