Beiträge von Gabor VASS

    ". Before, it was always allowed to carry gaspistols with you on the street. Now they made it more expensive with no effect on our security. It is nothing but a HUGE disadvantage for us"

    I do not admire the KWS (although it is much better than in my country). I think it is more on the tax income side than public safety.
    But 50 euros is not a great sum even for us "poor-east-europeans".

    (It is something similar as 10 euros/visit at doctor.)

    "my russian friend translated the text for me and he said that the engergy is 7j(escord) and 5j(viking)..."

    No, that is untrue. These are 20-30 J.
    The bullet is 0,5-0,6 gramms and the V0 is about 300 m/s.

    The Strazhnik and OSA are 15 mm caliber and 60-80 joules.

    "Do you have any informations about exporting these guns to other countries except Russia?"

    Other Umarex rubber-bullet shooters (King Cobra) are exported to France (free to own there).

    In Slovakia you are allowed to own such guns under 7,5 J, similar as here in Hungary. But the 7,5 J is enough only for 2 meters:-((
    Nothing really better than gas-alarm guns. (But we need licence for gasguns:-(()

    "That would mean, that our politicians (who don't trust us) had to do us a favour. An impossible thought."

    your politicians did you some great favours!
    - NO more anscheinparagraphs (Junker :-))))))
    - More guns under Gelbe WBK for sportshooters (Percussion revolvers etc)

    (The KWS could be seen as a favour: the state _declared_, that the average civilian is entitled to carry something for selfdefence!)


    I've shot about 500 Gamo 4,5 mm lead round balls with my test sample.

    The accuracy was acceptable for this category. from 6 meters 4-5 cm/5 shots. The best was an under-3 cm, but this was very hard to produce.

    There is big need for trigger stop, as after the hammer falls from double action, the trigger could be pushed farther.

    "Is it a BlowBack pistol ? "

    Definiately NOT.

    The two half of the "pistol" are screwed together.

    The only moving parts - externally - are the trigger and hammer, and the mag catch.

    The barrel is more than 1 cm thick steel insert (much tougher than in Umarexs).

    There is also a large steel insert in the hammer's face, it will not kill itself from dry fireing.

    "Seems to be some kind of Makarov-type.."

    Yes, from some distance:-))
    The greatest drawback, that it is not an exact replica, just as Gamos.

    Another pistol with the same inner mechanism is under development, with Beretta M92-like exterior, but I have not yet handled that.

    it is not on market yet, so it is just the first images of a prototype, but it could be interesting.

    The pistol is entirely made of aluminium, so relatively light.
    The magazine contains the 12 gramm CO2-patron and the magazine for 15 round LEAD balls. Therefore the grip is quite thick.

    The barrel is rifled (gezogen), the rear sight is adjustable for windage.

    The trigger is double action ONLY (nur spannabzug), so it is a plinker or action shooter.

    As you can see, there is a large F in funfeck on the "slide", it is under 7,5 J (120 m/s).

    The price will be about 75 euros here.

    Any comments?

    "6. Ich sehe die Tasertechnologie momentan als das wirksamste an. "

    The rubber-bullet shooters are more effective I think, such as the Safegom, or the russian OSA. (not avail in .de)

    The Tasers greatest drwaback is that its is only SINGLE shot, than nothing more, than a contact-weapon. And the training is extremely expensive.

    And no carry even with KWS in .de.

    "Die Hülse ist somit um einiges Dicker und passt NICHT in das Patronenlager der Waffe "

    Not in my one. The 9 mm Browning Short LIVE ammo could be chambered and ignited - the result is a great explosion of course:-))

    Some drawbacks of NON-PTB guns:-))

    Both guns are made by Umarex. Both are mostly made of zinc. Both have zinc hammer, as their weakest point. Both are quite reliable. Both are toooo heavy to carry.

    But I would vote on Geco 225. My reasons:
    - More realistic look (the finish of the P88C gas is different from the real one's, especially the golden letters:-(()
    - the operation is different, too (the P88C do not has decock function, the 225 has - safer by great margin)
    - In case of P225 the mag capacity is the same as the real one (8)

    "Whatever, may everyone carry what he wants and what's legal."

    I do carry a SW M60-9 .357 Magnum snubbie (2,125") as primary defence. (Yes, I am one of the very few civilian, who licensed to do this in my country.)

    But I also carry my 9 mm PAK gas-alarm pistol (also licensed), for that lower intensity defense situations, when lethal force is not justified.
    I effectively used this piece in case of dog-attack, and than a pepper-spray could not be (fast) enough, and the .357 Magnum is too dangerous in a crowded city.

    So, I value the gasgun as viable device in the "force continuum" (as yankees say).