Waffenrecht in Ungarn???

There are 15 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 10,389 times. The latest Post (December 29, 2021 at 11:04 AM) was by M110.

  • Hallo.
    Mich würde mal interessieren, wie das Waffenrecht in Ungarn so aussieht. Natürlich bezogen auf SSW. Ist doch bestimmt liberaler, als bei uns. Oder?
    Danke schonmal.

  • Auch dort gibt es einen KWS der zum Führen erforderlich ist, aber der ist bezogen auf eine bestimmte Waffe. Also muss man für jede Waffe die man führen will einen KWS bei der Polizei beantragen. Dafür ist der billiger. Ist eine Plastikkarte im Format EC-Karte, so ala Führerschein.

    Ansonsten ist der Erwerb frei, und die brauchen keine PTB.

    "Was unterscheidet letztendlich den freien Menschen vom Sklaven? Geld? Macht? Nein! Der freie Mensch hat die Wahl, der Sklave gehorcht!"
    -Wenn du im Sarg liegst, haben sie dich das letzte Mal reingelegt!-

  • Quote

    Originally posted by germi
    Auch dort gibt es einen KWS der zum Führen erforderlich ist, aber der ist bezogen auf eine bestimmte Waffe. Also muss man für jede Waffe die man führen will einen KWS bei der Polizei beantragen. Dafür ist der billiger. Ist eine Plastikkarte im Format EC-Karte, so ala Führerschein.

    Ansonsten ist der Erwerb frei, und die brauchen keine PTB.

    Practically correct.

    Some more info:
    - full automatic gas-alarm pistols are legal also
    - gas-alarm revolvers which are capable of firing rubber bullets BUT not from united cartridge also legal
    - home defence rubber bullet shooters free to own, but not carry

    Für KWS you need 8 euros per gun, and a little card (9 euros) from the Hungarian Beschussamt, because Hungary is a CIP member, but DO NOT ACCEPT any CIP proofmarks. Simple robbery.

  • Also important:

    carrying a tear gas spray more than 20 grams of payload is prohibited, carrying knife above 8cm blade length or any spring knife is also not allowed.

    Telescopic batons, nunchaku or any other blunt weapon is the same story.

    Practically gas-alarm gun + KWS is the only legal selfdefence solution.

    (WS for a real handgun is about as impossible as in Germany.)

  • As a german/ european citizen, how can I apply for a hungarian KWS?
    Wie kann man als deutscher/ europäischer Staatsbürger einen ungarischen KWS beantragen?

    If you have a permanent Hungarian address card (for example: you have a flat or a house here, or rent one on long term)+ valid ID from any EU-member country you can ask for a KWS permit in Hungary.

    But before it, you have to buy a gas-alarm gun (free to own), because the Hungarian KWS is contains the model, caliber, serial number on each permit. So you have to have one KWS for each and every gun you want to carry.

  • Und was ist mit Schreckschusswaffen die keine Seriennummer haben? Mittlerweile haben die meisten Modelle eine, aber früher gabs das hier oft das manche Modelle keine Seriennummer vom Hersteller aus bekamen. Meine Röhm RG 800 hat zum Beispiel keine...

    "Was unterscheidet letztendlich den freien Menschen vom Sklaven? Geld? Macht? Nein! Der freie Mensch hat die Wahl, der Sklave gehorcht!"
    -Wenn du im Sarg liegst, haben sie dich das letzte Mal reingelegt!-

  • Und was ist mit Schreckschusswaffen die keine Seriennummer haben? Mittlerweile haben die meisten Modelle eine, aber früher gabs das hier oft das manche Modelle keine Seriennummer vom Hersteller aus bekamen. Meine Röhm RG 800 hat zum Beispiel keine...

    If you want to get a KWS for a non-serialnumbered gun, you have to visit the Hungarian "CIP"-proofhouse, and they provide (laser engrave) a serial number for your gun for cca. 8 euros (if I correctly remember).

    However, Hungary is theoretically a CIP-country, it is practically NOT, so, the proofhouse will only give you the serial number, if you re-proof your gun (no matter it already have CIP-proofmark), and finally you'll pay them cca. 20 euros.

    (But since 1991 all Hungarian gun shops required to sell gas-alarm guns only with serial number.)

  • Hallo!

    Hätte noch Fragen an Hr. Vass bezüglich Waffenrecht Ungarn, falls der thread noch offen ist.

    Mit den Original-Paragraphen - trotz Übersetzung - komm ich nicht klar

    Mit weihnachtlichen Grüßen

  • Good morning Mr. Vass!

    My question is, what kind of weapons can you own in Hungary (not carry!).

    Here's my list:

    CO2 pistols and rifles, below 7,5J

    Swords (as decoration but with sharp blades)

    Knives (with blades longer than 8cm)



    Best regards

    Und Dank an Ingo M. für das Original-Gesetz!

  • You can own a lot of guns, BUT I think you are interested on those which do not require licence:


    1. Airguns up to 7,5 J

    2. Paintball markers with MINIMUM 12 mm caliber up to 15 J

    3. Gas- and alarm guns

    (From 2023.01.01. the NON-EU-compliant NEW gas-alarm guns will be Category C-1, subject to registration)

    4. antique weapons (and their replicas)

    a, muzzleloaders

    b, any gun which is do not capable of firing modern united rimfire, centerfire or electronic-ignited ammuniton

    (such as "percussion-hinterlader" or "Lefaucheux-revolvers".)

    5. Deactivated guns

    (From 2021.01.01. the EU-compliant NEW deactivated guns are Category C-2, subject to registration)


    The bows, crossbows, swords, bayonets, knifes, tear gas sprays, batons etc are NOT under the Gun Law, but under the KKVE Government Order (KKVE: Devices Especially Dangerous to Public Safety), generally FREE TO OWN, however their carry, transport, use, sale is a deifferent thing.

  • Vielen Dank, thanks a lot!

    Really everything about guns, wow! And yes, I'm not interested in guns which require a licence.

    So the KKVE Government Orders are my problem: I want to settle down in Hungary next year.

    So transport and - later - use on my private ground are to discuss.

    Transport : Will be carried out by a professional furniture removal company. So while transport, nobody has admittance to these "KKVE-weapons". For German gun law, this is legal.

    Use: In German gun law you have to take care that bullets (out of guns listed above), bolts and arrows cannot leave your private property and neighbours aren' t in danger.

    So how do Hungarian KKVE Government Orders look like? Perhaps different in each Komitat?

  • No problem.

    Safe transport is allowed for all KKVE devices. Means it should be packed in a bag or box, not ready to use (in case of a crossbow for example: unloaded, uncocked).

    Airguns and other free-to-own guns are also allowed to transport unloaded , safely packed.

    Using these on private property: airguns, paintball markers, bows, crossbows are allowed, IF it is impossible to shoot out from your property (safe backstop), and basically it is fenced, so no one can just walk into the line of fire.

    Gas-alarms guns are loud, and it can frighten the neighbours, so it is better to use them on a shooting range, black powder muzzleloaders are mandatory to use only on licenced shooting range (or hunting field with special hunting permit).